Getting contraception when not UK resident?

If you are a non UK or even EU resident on holiday here surrounded by the UK for an extended length of time ( 6 months ) and want to win some contraception contained by this armour the Nuvaring, how do you travel roughly speaking it? Obviously she have no doctor here contained by the UK. Can anyone give a hand?


What is your assessment on making the HPV vaccine mandatory for girls attending middle arts school?

She could try a brook advisory service, available surrounded by most cities. I infer you can buy nuvaring online. see connection - it can be shipped to the UK short a prescription.

I asked my GP around NuvaRing in UK and it is not nonetheless available on prescription here - even for uk residents. It is widely available within Europe- as you know- but she didn't know when it would be available here at adjectives.

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A Family Planning Clinic or even any doctor's should be capable of push for what can be supplied - but what's wrong beside buying condoms while you are here?

health and health comfort?

If you are not a British Citizen or an EU citizen exercising their treaty rights, later you hold no entitlement to NHS treatment, even a doctor's appointment. You could try a private doctor in London maybe, or contact a Family Planning Clinic (look in the Yellow Pages or and ask them if it is possible to buy the product privately.
As per the previous poster's reply - why not buy condoms? I'm assuming this character is not here on holiday next to her partner, so presumably requests contraception contained by satchel of a sexual encounter. Condoms are the opening to progress - for so oodles reason!

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