? about periods?
Ive hear of postpatum depression but can a woman who is pregnant enjoy that?
ok. your breasts may FEEL similar to they are getting bigger. they may be, but your term have nought to so near it. they may fele tender LIKE thay are growing, but they arent growing as much as you feel. also, yes...it is common to be "surrounded by the mood" like mad. i other am! usualy, i am contained by the mood for rime cream or chocolate (IDK why) or sometimes a salad. it adjectives depends on how much your hormones vary!
Yes. Breasts can achieve remarkably sensitive when girls are on their term. And yes "consciousness within teh mood" is ordinary too! :)
Mini Pill Question- does it raison d`??tre nausea? Dizziness? Cramping?
Yeh, they bring back a bit more swollen. This is a moment ago because of the fine-tuning contained by hormones.And like mad of chicks grain more "within the mood" around that time. Personally, I don't. I wanna see every guy I see. =P
Your breasts can swell a short time but they're not going to amendment to the subsequent cup or anything, it's your body holding hose down, so drink more river and exercise more during your time of year and that will stop.
As for sex- any other time of the month I resembling sex but if I don't find it it's alright, during my length I want it pretty much non stop. It's the hormones.
What are the first symptoms of pregnancy, and how soon do you seize them?
well i in recent times get my firdt one and i own no mood witch is bizarre CAUSE I HAVE ONE NORMALLY own no cramps no bloted thought no nothin and am so scard to update momMore Questions & Answers...