When you're on your period does your back hurt?


Been on Yaz for a month presently..?

Oh yeah it sure does. Try taking midol it usually get rid of the agony.. gl to ya

Normally condoms used to work in recent times fine for me and my boyfriend..?

yes it does

Planned motherhood?


Can i be pregnant?

yep...usually my lower hindmost.

my cousin get some leader and immediately somethings wrong beside her clit. plzzzzz support?

once surrounded by a blue moon it does but my tummy realllly hurts.

Still no term?

Most of the time

pain at ovulation?

yesss, lower fund! try a heat wad and advil!

Does birth control build your boobs bigger, and brand you gain weightiness?

It might a couple days formerly and a couple days on your length but it should walk away after 1-3 days into your extent. If it doesn't you should stir bargain to your doctor.

Hurts Down Below?

My everything hurts. The small of my subsidise, pelvic region, muscle rigidity, cramps and bloating AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! And worst of adjectives the mood swings. Best bet is to cut caffeine, nicotine, stay hydrated and put your foot up and relax whenever possible. It's fitting for those around you too!

sharp pains in vaginanot pregnants?

absolutely, especially the first afternoon is approaching someone keep kickin me in the spinal column so i will pop a hydro or Tylenol extra strength!

Does the pill shrink your sex drive?

My little sister (14 years old)gets the worst lower wager on niggle. We adjectives ways know when her time is upon us. It get so impossible that she have to stay home from university. Me one-sidedly at 22 my period hold never be a problem because I happen to be a low flow considerate of gal for with the sole purpose two days three at the most.

Men's view?


What do extremely tender bowel movements suggest?

Yes it definitly does. Especially the lower division.

im thirteen and my bra size is D34 is this in general?

Back anguish can go down because of menstrual cramps. My vertebrae hurts resembling when I'm on my term.

(girls answer this please)i conjecture this is okay but only checking?


It feel resembling my final is human being bent backwards...that is to say the first point to start hurting when im on my interval.

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  • PERIODS , HELP pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

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