For about how long can I stay on the Depo Provera shot?

I've heard that within is a certain time to stay on the sympathetic of birth control ur on. For how long can I stay on the Depo so it won't effect my reproductive system, I want to have another babe-in-arms in 2 years. I started the Depo since November of 2006.

I get a pimple which is intact on my chest from past 6 months? plz relieve.?

You should only travel on depo for 2 years! Depo has long permanent status side effects! If your on it for many years!

Recently get on the birth control pill ovcon?

Go off of depo a year back you want to get pregnant.

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get past its sell-by date of it 1 year before you want to achieve pregnant becasue soemtimes it stays in effect for up to a year... i muse you can stay on it for 4 years

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If you are concerned in the order of your fertility, stop taking it right now and switch to a different giving of birth control like the patch, ring or pill. The average Depo user didn't achieve their fertility back for 18 months after their second shot (I know some women that didn't get it put money on for years!).

I would recommend that you read a three part series of articles I wrote almost Depo and see what other women have told me.
What Are the Risks -
Some Women Love It -
Take It Off the Market -

If you own any other questions, I can be contacted through the website above (it's my site).

Things my mama never told me going on for getting pregant. PLease help me!?

i be on the depo almost 5 years & after missing a shot I was pregnant inwardly months. But, I am one of the many women that capture pregnant very confidently. Only your doctor knows whats gonna be best for you!

Help again?

After five years you involve a bone density check as depo royally messes with your bone strength (among other things).

I was on it for four years and have horrible mood swings, weight gain and spotting at weird times, as well as loss of libido.

I'd seriously check the shot.

You could either return with pregnant while on or just getting rotten depo or it could take you several years and a call round with a fertility specialist. I've agreed women who have have it happen to them.

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With Depo-Provera, you could become pregnant as soon as 3 to 4 months after your last shot. However, it may embezzle some women up to a year or two to conceive after they stop using this type of birth control. This time frame seems unrelated to how long you own been using Depo-Provera for contraception.

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I'd return with off of that asap! I'm 23 & hold the early signs of osteoporosis because of that. Plus it cause my reproductive organs alot of problems. I'm at alot higher of a risk of mis-carriages because of it. I instinctively hate that shot. There is better birth controls out in that that won't hurt your ogans. For instance, I'm on the nuva ring now. (I'm horrible near pills. lol.) Honestly, its the best birth control I've found so far. Or if you are married, you could get an iud. Which is alot safer than the shot. I would suggest reading up on other kind. Because I know alot of dr's that won't even offer the shot anymore because their finding more & more problems next to it. Good luck.

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