Why is it just during my length do I become depressed, angey & cut myself?
Answers: adjectives yourself is a problem and it has nil to do with your time of year . and i doubt that you only cut yourself once every 6 months. this entry with adjectives yourself you learned from others and you simply picked it up . just resembling being around some one next to a tick if you are around them long enough you will pick up the tick. I recommend you that you should get away from your goth friends and discover who you really are and stop trying to copy others . well-mannered luck and i wish you the best . and if you want to know i hold someone that done the same entity . and i bet the thought that just run through your mind is " he dosnt know " well you would be wrong more or less that . you see my affliction was war . and exersizing . i didnt think that in attendance was anything else better than the affliction and what i got from it till i well-educated i can have that same levidaty lacking the tourture
You need to see a psychologist for your adjectives behavior. It's not normal and it's markedly dangerous. Only a serious professional can aid you with this. you should unequivocally seek dream therapy. but the timing issue is that your hormones are all out of whack during your period- it's similar to being on an heated rollercoaster.
seriously i get that depressed on my extent to sometimes...but im already depressed as well..so when we're on our time of year we get 100 times worse.but if your truly cutting yourself you involve to get lend a hand asap!...i also get overly joyful on my period to sometimes..and i love that...when it in actuality happens...dont shift to idiot pill pushing doctors...you need to make conversation to someone...on a regular basis not someone who pushes some pills at you and is resembling ok bye bye..you need someone who really care...and they are hard to find...but i yearning you luck.