Vaginal odor?

i get it.. how does it shift away?

does anyone else own a vagina near substantial umflaps?

Do Not Douche!! Douching is never a biddable perception, and it is especially a bleak perception if you may own an infection. Douching certainly predisposes you to adjectives sorts of infections, as it upsets the innate protective bacterial flora of the vagina.

If the odor is fishy and accompany by a gray-white skinny discharge, it is possible bacterial vaginosis. You must progress to your doctor for proper diagnosis, and they will prescribe an antibiotic (either vaginal clindamycin or oral flagyl). This is a remarkably adjectives infection!

Brown discharge for 3 weeks get on depo nearly 2 months ago frquent urination stomach dull pain?

Probably a bacterial infection. You hold to receive an Rx, probably flagyl to brand it travel away. Yeast infections seldom smell, so its probably bacterial.

Cervical cancer?

You obligation to douche. Buy a Massengills Disposeable Douche at the drug store.

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ewwwww, douche it... I'll pilfer record on who answers this press surrounded by detail, because you know their stuff smells too

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i own read that douching is certainly really bleak for you and can produce infection. i would lately keep hold of yourself verbs by have a shower once a hours of daylight. you may own a yeast infection, where luggage using a cream would probably be a devout opinion. possibly ask your doctor.

what age are you supposed to own a pap smear?

You could lately own some germs.
Eating yogurt increases the moral microbes that fight the bleak.
Also don't wear tight clothes and other wear cotton panties for better freshening. One well-mannered tip is to not wear underwear to bed.

By the way- NEVER EVER DOUCHE! It should be prevented from the shelves. Just ask your doctor- douching is bleak and will CAUSE infection.

Iud and possibly pregnant?

First i recommend you to find out what is cause that. But the, you could hold a yeast infection. I recommend you use vagisal it help. Or you can use a vaginal clear up commonly found within drug stores or walmart. But find out what is cause it. Oh yeah, to stop it i recommend you not to wear tight clothing...and renovate to a cotton type of panties if your using anything but cotton.

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See a doc and you should use Summers Eve products they own hose, spray, and other stuff to hold you smelling fresh and to save IT verbs. Also Vagisil or Monistat can facilitate yeast infections.

Help.i enjoy boyfriend which we will run into soon within PI?

It might be a yeast infection or a bacterial infection turn to a pharmacy cvs, rite aid etc. and buy monistat or summers eve i dont know but I don`t know you should see a doctor if it continues

Pre-teen Facial And Body Hair Problem?

It could be chlamydia, be in motion to your doctor its a sign that things are'nt right

What is the best approach to?

Well that depends, if it is a yeast infection after be in motion attain the right things to verbs it up down nearby. If it lately common odor, don't verbs adjectives girls enjoy it. Now if it is something else, walk desire instantaneous attention.

Help!! Period/Pad lend a hand?

You probably enjoy bacterial vaginosis. This is cause by an overgrowth of unpromising microbes within the vagina. You would stipulation a prescription to clear it up. If not treated it can be harder to find rid of, and can effect pre occupancy labor if you become pregnant. If it's not bv consequently it could be clamydia which casues infertility if untreated. Either mode you NEED to trade name a doctors appointment. Both are problems that don't clear up on in that own. Good luck!

How does sperm come out from the penis?

u should soak and dry-clean yo biaoch

First bra stories?

DONT DOUCHE!.. it wont capture rid of the vaginal odor at adjectives... it will freshly go and get rid of it.. for rather while.. later the subsequent hours of daylight it will come rear due to the frontage that germs is cause the odor! so i recommend you making a Dr. Appt. so you can bring back a pap smear so they can see what the problem is!. appropriate luck!

Girls simply plz?

First, every woman have her own vaginal odor. And most men find it to be an aphrodisiac.

If your odor have changed though, it might niggardly that you own an infection of some type. Read the following links, and SEE YOUR DOCTOR, ASAP. Your fertility could depend on it.

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