When women masterbate, do they "ejaculate" when they climax?


Bad menstrual cramps, facilitate?

Yes, some women can "" or ejaculate. Ejaculation within both women and men involves the release of fluid from the urethra — the tube that carry urine out of the body — during intense sexual arousal. About 10 percent of women spurt a clear fluid from the urethra during intense sexual excitement or during orgasm — the pleasurable release of built-up muscle stiffness that results from arousal and sexual leisure. This fluid is outstandingly similar to the fluid produced by the prostate gland surrounded by men — it isn't urine.

The "prostatic" fluid in women is secreted by the Skene's glands, which are located in the vulva in the neighbourhood the channel of the urethra. These glands, though much smaller than the manly prostate, are similar ample contained by function that some scientists own renamed them "womanly prostate" glands. Other glands may also be involved in feminine ejaculation.

Hope this information help!

How can your apendex expload?

Some do, some don't

Weird sentiment surrounded by vagina nouns?

some gush, others squirt.

Could it be?

It's possible, yes. But not adjectives.

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y arent we allowed to fastt during period relieve im confuzed?!?!?1?

well yes but not resembling guys do, its a small amount thats scarcely traceable, in attendance are pornos that show girls doing it close to guys but its copied.

Kinda a personal interrogate:simply girls plz!?

Some girls it is possible. Some it is impossible.

It's not cyber- when women squirt adjectives over the place, however this isn't adjectives.

It doesn't depend on their partner/masturbating methods. Either physically you can or you can't.

Ladies, Do you enjoy inverted nipples?

Some do, some don't. Either is totally middle-of-the-road.

Recently they found a 1.3 cm Ovarian Cyst On my moms ovarys when she did an ultra nouns and so she call the?

Usually, a woman can "ejaculate" simply by stimulation of the G spot.

I only just begin my first pack of Yaz?

in the best porn movies, they adjectives do . . .

Im podgy!! comfort please?

only when they orgasm over a nice twosome of pumps.

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