I have the most painful periods... is this normal?

I hold other have the worst freakin' cramps ever. They seize so impossible sometimes that I throw up, wobbly, and procure adjectives clammy. I can sometimes control it by taking midol earlier I get hold of any symptoms around that time of the month but when I forget it is so raw. I enjoy literally curled up surrounded by a bubble and cried praying that I don't die because it hurt that fruitless. I use to miss arts school, I faint at work. I dunno. I've be told that it is probably newly an iron defect but I took iron and still have the cramps. Has anyone else gone through this?

What if nipples are removed?

I hold and I really discern sorry for you. You call for to turn to the dr. and consent to him check you out, nearby is something to be precise cause this .

Im 2 weeks delayed. two glum pregnancy test!?

i own....not basis im a guy

i trick my mother?

Yes, I find those too. I own endometriosis. Go gossip to a Gynecologist and bring back checked out.

Girls Question?

i ma sorry to articulate but this is not conventional if i be you i would dance and address to my mom or dad or even a docter.

Question give or take a few severe cramping?

Yes, you could enjoy ovarian cysts or something else such as endometriosis... See a gynecologist forthwith and hold this checked out! It make your hormones walk crazy if this is the covering!

Elevated prolactin level?

Normal is base on the average.

Since your time of year cramps are the worst ever, you would be a 10.

Normal would be a 5.

Congrats, you are above average within something!

What are some honourable remedies for relieving a UTI?

You should really progress see a doctor nearly taht asap.

I want to look close to my arms hold alot of muscle. how can i do that swiftly?

I enjoy duplicate problem sounds to me close to endometriosis you can get hold of more info at this link

this link might be better for you

http://womenshealth.in the order of.com/cs/endomet...

Some times the throbbing can be help by taking 'the pill' I would recommend you procure to a doctor and OB/GYN to be exact and own a check up. It shouldn't this stinging.

Good luck!

Ladies answer one and only?

When I be around 13-15 I would procure the exact same article, as I get elder it subsided. I still go and get "impossible months" but nil close to it used to be. If it does continue see an OB/GYN. I know the pill help beside bleak period.

What if ur time of year come on the 6 of finishing month but didnt come on the 6 of this month what could that penny-pinching?

Well, may be i am never feel that impression. But, i enjoy some tips 4 you
1. Do ur hobbies
2. Just receive busy
3. Sleep.... (It's the most decisive route to over it)

Ovarian cyst (answers from lone women beside experience near ovarian cyst)?

yep - I hear ya! Apart from the most abominable discomfort (like you I would be curled up within unqualified agony) I would also acquire sweats, diahorrea and vomiting. I hold other have this, and I exercise, get through economically and hold no other medical conditions. Some family articulate exercise help make less burdensome the torment - okay my experience is to be precise a crock.

I enjoy even have a child and 4 years on not much have changed. Depending on your age, I would utter your symptons may remodel as you bring elder. But, I am in a minute nearly 30 and I cannot achieve by in need partially a packet of strong analgesia every month. And it is an excellent impression to purloin it until that time you go and get the symptons or as soon as they start, otherwise it doesn't appear to work or it take ages. I still gain tummy troubles respectively month although I don't vomit anymore. All the best

How much should a 14 year behind the times girl weigh who is 5'7?

i did, and I get put on B.C. pills, which help for a time, so I would call upon a Gyno. and ask them what could be wrong. I know one article though, my cramps be a heck of like mad worse than my labor contractions when I have my daughter if that tell you anything ! resourcefully moral luck !

Ladys lone please?

Please I swear by this it;s call super motrin and you will be aware of 100% better,,I to own a impossible interval and usually miss in the future a month of work for this,,but this stuff really works,,super motrin,,try it trust me it works one pill and you will quality approaching it's not even at hand,,works for me and my period are bloody to and I'm 42 so own tried everything,,these babies really work,,purloin my word and turn to the drug store,,,,lately try once and you will thank me,,,flawless luck girlfriend and sway tuff

y the hell do women do this (adult content)?

When I first started have period, I too go through a extent of time of have intensely itchy period. I be taken to a gynecologist and he did confer me some medication that help some, but after have more period, my cramps become smaller amount and smaller quantity.

I be put on the pill when I be 18 to relief regulate thoroughly irregular period and that help near my cramps like mad. My daughter also have tight cramps and finds that Aleve help her. I hold never hear of tight cramps man cause by iron negative amount. I would move about and see a gynecologist and enjoy her relieve you out. There are frequent things that they can do to assistance next to the problem. Don't suffer anymore, dance capture lend a hand.

How do i grasp my time to come sooner?

I do but not the faint parts....I really suggest you see a gynocologist soon, you could hold a fibroid problem....look at this website:


period backing!!?

I know how you quality. Same happen to me, I can't even carry out of bed but I'm still at hand idea so much backache, nausea, etc. It take close to 4 advil pills to control it. Maybe we sould walk to the doctor. I don't know why it happen to some of us.

Whats chafing during sex and what are sex pheromones?

I haven't be through it, but I enjoy a cousin who have have like types of experiences and she be diagnosed near endometriosis.

I'd recommend seeing a gynecologist for a full exam to confirm if what you're experiencing is "conventional." If it is, the doctor may be capable of provide medication to operation next to it. He or she may even put you on a lowdose birth control pill to decline your symptoms. But one and only a physician can properly diagnose and treat you!!

IF it is endometriosis: This is where on earth the inner inside layer of the uterus ends-up on your ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc. During your term, these tissues take action a short time ago close to your uterine pool liner engorging beside blood, but the tissue have no instrument to escape your body. That's what cause such extreme cramping.

if my boyfriend have a vasectomy can i still receive preg?

See a Dr. I have cramps EXACTLY similar to this and they turned out to be fibroids on my uterus.. NO NOT CANCER.. a moment ago fibroids.. but they grounds the most horrid strain..

Endometriosis-just be diagsnosed?

Yes mine be extremely bleak when i be younger. Like what you are adage.I started mine when i be nearly 10yrs weak. They be exceptionally bleak. Back later (I'm 49 now) in that be the usual over the counter products,heat wipe etc. Missing university. When I needed birth control I have the pill. It help most of it. But I have other medical reason to acquire stale of them. My extent be impossible until i get pregnant at 19. After that beside nursing and adjectives a few years elapsed and my period be much better.(Older and a shift surrounded by hormones)
Fast track my 3rd child daughter who is presently 21 during her 14Th year on have such fruitless menstrual stuff similar to you plus such discouraging PMS mood swings it be unspeakable. She missed so much conservatory and have attitude problems near institution staff. She be approaching hours of darkness and sunshine for partly of the month. She tried adjectives the intuitive stuff that you come up near doing a scrabble. Finally the doctors put her on different birth control pills. That in its self be trying.You own to find the right dose ie estrogen/pro-estrogen blend. Low dose stuff She have to hold a few months lower than her belt to wish. Some made her get the impression resembling P.G. Morning sickness. Her elevated college yrs. be so discouraging. She eventually found a semi- B.C. pill to work. As she aged her hormone desires changed. She eventually get past its sell-by date the pill due to freight gain on them. She have since 18 not be on the pill. She have have a VERY SLOW turn nearly contained by the symptoms. At 21 she presently have markedly little affliction. Little P.M.S.
The bottem dash is why haven't you gone to a doctor roughly this? If insurance is a problem next I know for a certainty that "Planned Parenthood" does exames and adjectives such things. My daughter go to them contained by the teens for the pill for her period. She be a virgin. They can treaty near the hormonal issue. They are sliding level. They can lend a hand. Even if you aren't sexualy stirring. If you hold other uterus problems they will know how to diagnose.

My breasts still aren't growing as big as alot of other citizens and 14?

ask your doc in the region of birth control- they usually help out beside cramps and can shorten/lighten your interval

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