Can antibiotics stop my period?


anyone going through menopause/peri-menopause?

If you're sexually moving and are using hormonal BC, the antibiotic can interfere near the efficacy of the chemicals and you can attain pregnant.

Otherwise, if you've be totally sick (which if you're taking antibiotics, you probably were), this could effect your cycle as capably. Stress (also brought on by illness) can play a factor surrounded by spell rearrangement.

If you're sexually moving hold a HPT. If you're not, don't verbs just about it.

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I don't come up with so. But if you are on antibiotics, it can interact near other medication you clutch and impact their usefulness. So if you're on birth control, they right to be heard to use another form of protection while on antibiotics, because sometimes it make birth control stop working. So if you're on birth control and have sex during antibiotics, consequently a apology for a stopped term might be pregnancy.

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No Sweetie it can't.

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My experience is that antibiotics can alter womens period.
One time I took antibiotics for an infection and that month get a cycle of 39 days. Another time I get a tuberculin shot and my time come 20 days slow. The body is smart and it know what is doing and why. Antibiotics are foreign to the body and unwanted by it. I guess you body is doing what it stipulation to do to protect you.

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Well, time stops onlyon two occasion. 1) Pregnency 2) Menopause. perioids are results of harmonal effect on the uterus viz. estrogen and progesterone. Antibiotics are notharmones. they do not own any effect on the menstrual cycle (periods). however, antibiotics are given when we sufferfrom infectious diseases. frequent infection kill weekens our body and body systems of which the uterus and the menstrual cycle is a part of the pack of it. iregularity may transpire contained by the production and release of harmones which may resulet contained by instability of the on-set and terminate of the period. severe anaemia may rationale excess bleeding.
and so its the infection that may affect the time of year but antibiotics do not stop the term.

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