I'm looking for information on women's health, specifically info on abnormal menstrual cycles.?

I own experienced long (a month) cycles and extremly hulking blood clots. Sometimes I solely spot other times my flow is so bulky that I soil my clothes.

what is this sensitive point sticking out of my vagina?

I am responding as a nursing student and adjectives medical student. WHat you are describing sounds similar to the condition call Hypermenorrhea which is simply strangely long and filling flow. Several population are diagnosed near this and are urged to use birth control or several other methods to engender it easier and factor the bleeding. I would support you to aim out or GY doctor and present them next to your symptoms. There are several comfort treatments you can receive so you do not hold to experience the bleeding.

Dad 5'11" mom 5'2" daughter's max, average, min distance from the ground?

http://www.plannedparenthood.com... can abet a total lot

I enjoy be not consciousness powerfully?


Does the age you first get your spell determine when you will step into menopause?

go to yahoo health


aim and ye shall find...
(No, i am NOT religious, that freshly come out au natural)

how come men are other comparing their pinises and woman dont compare nearby vaginas?

you might enjoy something cancerous. you should turn to a ginacologist (sp?). a friend of mine have that and it be a tumor.
i dont be going to to alarm you, but you should turn to the doc.

is it bad/unhealthy to cross your legs?

I be have a similar problem and found out it be fibroids. I have the fibroid surgically removed. You entail to step to your doctor and hold vigilance of it. I agree to this progress on for just about a year and I happen to transport a blood tryout and found out that I be EXTREMELY anemic, they be prepared to do a blood transfusion. You stipulation to acquire it taken nurture of. Look at www.fibroids.com for more info roughly fibroids.

Is it possible to ovulate merely a week after one's term is over ?

having blood clots ain't appropriate piece, resources that your lining is building up on "outmoded blood" from the previous flows. better want medical suggestion.


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