Does anyone have or know of someone that have endometriosis?

I've been getting these unforgivable pains the first one/two days of my period. They don't surface like the common cramps. I mean, I consistency like I'm something like to keel over, and often find myself in bed most of the morning. What's more, it's been going on for more or less 5 months now. Could endometriosis be the reasoning at the back this? Any other idea's or possibilities? Or, do you consider it's just cramps (though it doesn't get the impression like it)?

I receive bacteria vagnosis extremely often is in that anything I can take or do to prevent?

These links are a great place to start conception the disease (and treatment options) better:

Good luck to you.

Im a female & after i enjoy sex this happens?

One of my best friends have endometriosis and her explanation sounds similar to yours (except she sometimes gets pains at other times of the month too) You should manifestly see a Dr.

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Sounds like you own endo, I have it too (along near PCOS). A birth control pill will help next to the pain. I'm have my second surgery tomorrow to deal beside the pain, I'm on constant narcotics, can't even sleep at hours of darkness - sometimes get woke up because the niggle is so bad.
The doc is going to put me on Lupron which is supposed to hold some nasty side effects, they even use it to treat cancer patients if that tell you anything.
Seriously, go to the doc and seize on a birth control pill so you can hopefully live pain free. You could also ask roughly speaking Meclomen, it's an NSAID like Aleve or Advil but it works within an extra way. It in truth decreases your flow. Less blood manner less headache when you have endo. It could really abet if regular pain pills aren't adequate.
Good luck, not trying to scare you, but you should really appropriate this seriously because it can screw up your expertise to have kids.

Is near something to take?

endomitroisis is when you own cell growth of uteran like cell outside of the uterous. so i would suspect that if you be suffering from endomitriosis you would feel the distress on a consistant basis not basically durring your cycle. are you on any kind of birth controll? because sometimes this will take the edge off the pain. if you are on birth controll i would definately hope medical help. You should also hold your prostaglandin levels checked as these can affect the severity of menstrual cramps. you should also see your ob/gyn to check for hpv as this can lead to problems as well. lately went through tis next to my fiance'

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Well I enjoy the exact same symtpoms as your do but I alos have the cramp at different times of the month. I've goen to doctors because it's so bad I missed arts school for days, couldn't eat, sleep, do anything but curl up in a orb on my bed with a hot sea bottle or heating wipe.

But I was conversation to one of my cousins ealrier this year and she daugther has a confirmed endometrioisis(sp?) and have to do the same thign as me when it hits her, and my other cosuin is exactly similar to me, she goes to doctors but they can't find the problem.

I've be told it was a cyst on my ovasry( a recurring-meaning it would grow, consequently go away later regrow, doing no damage jus pain) I've also have 2 Upper GI's(gross by the way) done and numerous blood tests and ultrasounds. I save going back to the doctor but still nil I monitor when I get the niggle and such then tolerate my docotr know, now if i could be lucky enough to own the pain the subsequent time I go to own an ultrasound done.

Hope this helps, but travel to the doctor and see if they will send you for any test.

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I enjoy the disease and suffer from extreme pain. I finish off up in the emergency room monthly to grasp muscle relaxer and pain shots. My suggestion is to follow up next to your obgyn ultra sound and a laproscopy. I have to undergo a partial hystrectomy which give mild relief. However such a procedure is drastic means and recovery is horrid so beware. Get second opinion and beware of doc's who's solution is surgery right of the bat. Try different hormon treatments that are available and look at the all fluent treatments. Good luck

GIRLS: if yoiu go swimming,?

I hold Endometriosis and have have a complete hysterectomy for it after tons of treatments that didn't help.It took the form service 3 years to diagnose it after eventually giving me a laproscopy. This is the only true mode diagnosing Endometriosis. I still have greatly of pain because I own hormone replacement. If you have Endo THINK VERY CAREFULLY in the past having a hysterectomy.
Don't put up next to the pain you are surrounded by. DO NOT be led down the garden walkway like I be for 3 years, due to me not knowing about the weakness. Ask your doctor can you have a laproscopy to investigate.
My younger sister started beside the same pains and she have one quite hastily as she knew give or take a few it because of me, and it was diagnosed untimely. Because of this she had treatment surrounded by time to have a babe.
Demand a laproscopy!!

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Yes it is possible for you to hold endo. There are also many other things that can produce pain contained by your pelvic region. I would get evaluated by a professional.
I own been suffering for years beside endometriosis and i have have similar symptoms. I was not individual in hideous pain for a few days a month- i hurt almost adjectives the time for months. When i finally got a laparoscopy they found severe endo underneath my left ovary.

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