Period Question?

I used to have a regular extent and then it started self messed up all the time. But closing year i had a spell for like 2 months and after it stopped for about 3 months and afterwards I had one that last for 4 months...and then I have a normal one for 3 months. And very soon its doing the same piece. What could be the reason for this.

Has anyone ever have sciatic nerve injury from a depo provera injection? please help I really requirement answers?

Have you had an remarkable amount of stress lately? Or any major change in your diet? Any latest medications or be taken past its sell-by date any old medication? Sometimes these "outside" factors can affect your menstrual cycle and inflict it to become irregular.

You may want to go find checked by your gynecologist because it could be a sign of a much more serious problem, such as ovarian cancer. A little abnormal isn't that disconcerting, but majorly unexpected like yours appear to be is something worth going to the doctor over.

Can I get pregnant? On birthcontrol and on my time?

ur an alien

I'm not a doctor..?

When you get your spell for the first time, it's usually not gonna be a "normal" thing. You might obtain it every month.. You might get it once every 3 months or something.. It a short time ago changes sometimes..& If you're elder, maybe your body is lately going through some changes..

Do women hold regular orgasms?

Are you on any Pills?

On my 7 day break, took 1 pill the 1st afternoon of bleeding by mistake?

I am going through the same piece my docter checked me for endometriosis. Also this thing call pcos can cause this polycystic ovary syndrome look it up and see if it sounds approaching you.

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