What is the proper way to donate a self breast exam?

Ok, I know that you are suppose to lay on your back and put an arm up, and use a circular motion, but what exactly am I looking for? They other say a "lump" but within are so many things in within!! What does it feel approaching, is it big or small, and is it on the surface of the skin, or deep within the tissue? Please be very detailed. Also is near any other syptoms, such as soreness, or anything?

Is a "C" cup too big for a 14 year old breasts size?

Well, the easiest path to learn is to return to any your doctor or gyn, or even a women's health clinic and ask them to show you. A lot of places in reality have a fabricate boobie with lumps so you can win an idea. But poor that, I will try my best to help you do it on your own. First, you should be somewhat used to with how your own breast tissue feel. You will need to use a short time pressure to do the exam, at least satisfactory to be able to press the tissue against the ribs of the chest- not ample to make a bruise or be sensitive though. Breast tissue ordinarily feels a great deal like the tissue on your inner thigh, but near tiny things that almost feel resembling miniature grape bunches or something. Yours may not have that sentiment, just squishy. If you have fibrocystic breasts, those little grape bunches would feel bigger. What you are really looking for is something different than the usual, the size and shape of the lump isn't what's celebrated. Lumps may be close to the skin or deep contained by the tissue. You also need to inspect the outside appearance of the breast to see if here are any dimples or color changes that show up. If you discover what you believe is a lump, see if it moves around, or if it's firm, or if you can sort of squish it. That's the kind of information the doctor will want to hold.
You should do your exam at roughly the same time respectively month, because the way the tissue feel can change depending on the hormone influence of your monthly cycle. Plus, breast tissue can capture rather sensitive sometimes, and you won't do a honest exam if it's uncomfortable. While you can do it lying down, it's also well-mannered to do it while you are soaped up in the shower, because it's easier to slide the fingertips over the skin. Plus the melt shower tends to relax you and the tissue, to variety it easier to detect things. What you are looking for are changes- a lump that wasn't there previously, or something that just feel different from how it was in the past. And be sure to continue the exam adjectives the way up into your armpit- breast tissue is sort of teardrop shaped near the point leading up to almost the middle of your armpit, and up to your collarbone- it's not of late the obvious breast. Some lumps are uncomfortable, some are not, but pain or shortage of it is not a good guide to what should ring the alarm. Any rework you detect should make you ring up for an appointment. Then you can tell the doctor exactly what you found and where on earth it is. Then it can be checked out completely. If they decide it's zilch unusual, then you know its at hand to keep an extra lookout for change. After you've done your exams for a few months, you will become familiar next to what is there and how it feel. That will be your baseline for comparison for changes. If you do your exam right after the doctor does his, you will afterwards know what your "normal" feels similar to. It's also a good time to ask nearly anything you aren't sure about.
This is humane of confusing to write up, and my best advice would be to cause an appointment specifically for the lesson. That way, you will enjoy the professional right there near you to help, and to explain anything you find or surface. It's not something that's easy to swot up from reading, it really is a hands on lesson. No pun intended at hand, but it is the easiest way to cram and it's something important to cram to do right. But congratulations on doing it, because even with adjectives the hype and publicity, it's still not something enough women do.

Ladies Have any of you ever used the product Excite sensual gel?

Just look for anything that wasn't in that before. if you do a self breast exam regularlly you will know if something isn't right

Please abet..?


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hope this helps

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