Girls simply: My daughter is just 18, and her length is??

Her period is exceptionally light, and drastically irregular. Sometimes it doesn't come untill a month and a 1/2! Since it's so light , she can't wear tampons , and have to wear pads! Is this run of the mill! Anybody else have it resembling this??

Breast size?

i'm sure she is fine but the best thing to do is run and get her checked out at a ob/gyn, she is at the appropriate age for it in a minute anyway. hope everything goes all right!

I think i enjoy a hernia in my stomach and its realy effecting on my life span?

yes is normal period are different but still try to go to a doctor for oblige take caution bye

I took the morning after pill the day after I finished my term (April 25th), 2 hours after I had sex.?

It may be totally conventional for her. We are all different and it change with age anyway.

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personally, i know my cycle is extrememly heavy and so I can't use tampons any. my cycle has other been every 26 days, i can't remember it ever human being different, but i know that some of my friends have really crazy wacked out period. they just operation. an obgyn might help.

My fiance and I enjoy just just this minute started having sex and i occasionally orgasm. If he fingers me I will but not?

periods are all over the place but if it bothers both of you engineer an appointment with the doctor

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If her period is irregular, possibly she should get checked out for PCOS. Irregular period are usually a huge sign of PCOS. Other symptoms might be excess hair on the body and/or obverse... hair thinning. have a hard time losing solidity, etc.

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