Am i flab or what?

i can't really tell i am 5,9 i weigh 94 pounds and i am 21 my undamaged entire life i own never been heavier than 90 and presently i am so does that mean i am fat

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Only if you call a twig curvy...


No, you are very close to scarily thin. Start ingestion more and exercise, and work yourself up to a healthy 110. You are hurting yourself man this thin.

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no i weigh 95 lb.s and im 14

I'm a worrierplease answer?


I benchpress more than you!

Pain! please help!?

stop trying to hope attention. You know by now that you're underweight, especially for your height. Go guzzle a sandwhich!

What's wrong with me?

omg, seize over yourself. you might be naturally really skinny or hold some eating disorder but if you really want populace to say that your model and skinny that bad later ask your parents, they'll say your skinny no concern what.

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No but you are unhealthy. You inevitability to go to a doctor and digit out a way that you can gain cargo.

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no you are under counterbalance!! yoiu should know this answer by now. this is not a seriuos questiuon and if it is get help out! because i garnatee the first thing populace see when they look at you is not that your fat but that your sickly skinny! devour a burger!

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no you are not fat at adjectives

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Hun, I thought I was small, you definetely ARE NOT curvy, in certainty you should have more counterweight on you then that! I am 5'2 and I weigh 110 lbs and everybody think I am scrawny small. I put away like a grown man though everyday and for some origin it just won't stick on me.

Just to affix: Maybe you should get tested for thyroid disease that can grounds extreme weight problems resembling being extremly beneath or over. I was and I turned out not to own it, but you should ask your doctor about it because your size is road unhealthy!

Bra size quest?

Girl, man i need i was you basis im fat and you're the most sskinniest human being i have ever hear of i mean you're 21 and you weigh underneath 90 omg girl you're so lucky i really wish i be you for real appropriate luck!

O girls only, help out?

You need to get through. At 5'9'' you are 94 pounds? Nothing but skin on top of bones really isn't attractive not to mention ill...Eat 3 meals a morning.

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Thatrichguy is right, dam* female go guzzle a sandwich!

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wow..anorexic is the new tubby

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No. In fact you are a bit lower than weight for your height above sea level. You should be 110-118 lbs. But hey if you are happy and respectable you are ok.

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i hav news for u, ur underweight.any ur bone structure is very flimsy or ur very harmful

Pelvis MRI showing Ovary cyst?

your extremely underweight! OMGG!!

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Jeez, what is it near girls on here? You aren't fat! In certainty, for your height, you are UNDERWEIGHT. You should at tiniest weigh 110-120! But if you don't want to gain fat, strength train. Lift weights to gain muscle. Start consumption more and make sure it's a on the edge diet.

Go eat a cheeseburger. When you conquer 175, then we'll settle about human being fat.

Period stop for 3 months not preguant whats wrong?

You are extremely thin. You may want to be checked for a medical condition if you can't gain substance. You should be at least 125.

Whats wrong beside my stomach? hard to explain but?

Seems close to you're trying to seek for the attention eh? You're underweight baby. I'm 5' 5'' - 5' 6'' and weigh 110 pounds. Eat and exercise! If you have an ingestion disorder, go see a doctor. Stop calling yourself stout. People have worse symtoms. Such as weigh over 300 pounds, so dont get the word flabby inside your head for long.

If size doesn't event then?

i'm sorry, but i'm have a hard time believing you. at hand is just no instrument that you can be 90-94 and be at the height of 5'9 for a long time of year of time and still be alive. are you sure you are telling us the correct largeness and weight?

Pop your cherry?


I hold a question on undergarments and stuff please assistance!???

Are u sure its not kilos, my friend is about 5 foot shes very skinny in the region of 85pounds so i think its impossible for u be that delicate.

I am 14 i got my peiod when i 9 and i havent get it in 2 monthes what wrong is it a problum?


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