Should birthcontrol be mandatory?

Like an IUD for every girl untill they are 18. Do you think this would support solve some social problems like over population, poverty etc.

I a short time ago shaved that area! support!.?

in premise this would be a good concept and i've joked in the order of it several times. BUT that definitely take away personal and reproductive rights and there's no channel anyone could ever get away beside doing that. i get what you're wise saying though, when you see people who "accidentally" procure pregnant 4 times and clearly can't get the theory of birth control you have to wonder if we shouldn't construct the decision for them! lol

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No, it would be an infringement on one's civil liberty.
Don't we have satisfactory government control surrounded by our lives already? Keep giving more gov control, and we will be living in a police state.

IUD's do not protect against STD's. They also can't be worn by everyone, and not recommended for women who enjoy not had children. They can impose serious complications.

A better answer: Better education nearer for our children.
Families who actually stay together next to strong values.

We are an America that has become demoralized.
Stronger parental control over tv, and the content our children see.

Most of the poor people are illiterate. We need to supply free birth control (and we do, thru clan planning clinics across the U.S. and education.

What does it be going to when you are having pains in your breast?

Ummm i.e. a touchy subject. I would answer no. Not everyone is sexually active at a young-looking age. Everyone has different morals and beleifs. Some beleifs resembling the catholic doctirine don't beleive in birth control. All I can say is that if you are sexually moving, then be responsible, but we can't cart a persons freedom to generate that choice.

Botox? Is it safe? and what age?

No Way! After taking it for 2 years, when I approved to stop it screwed up my system for a year and a half. I detestation it, it is a horrible thing, unnatural piece that will have condition affects.

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