Pelvis MRI showing Ovary cyst?

I had a pelvis MRI and they said they found "right ovary beside cystic lesion and fluid seen surrounded by the right hemipelvis" What could this be? A functional cyst? Or something more serious?

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From personal experience, I can relay you this is very run of the mill. A lot of women have something know as Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It a moment ago means that you own more cysts on your ovaries than women without PCOS. If you are concerned, you see your gyno and they can rule out an problems. Also PCOS enjoy become more and more common contained by women today.

Iam 21 yrs old..5 weeks pragnent, checked next to my gyn but iam not showing any symtoms of pregnency yet..?

u should catch another appointment for them to rule out what they found. u could have a cyst that may be cancerous so don't dawdle. better to be safe after sorry.

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If you r concerned later ask for a referal to a gyno. U do not say if the cyst is throbbing. Most woman get cyst on the ovaries during within cycle it just most women dont no until they hold trouble conceiving & found in a routine check up. I have have cysts removed to try & help near my infertility, unless you are getting a lot of cramp i wouldnt b to concerned but to ease ur mind move about speak 2 ur GP . Hope this is helpful & adjectives the best

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im a morfopatologist, i saw 3-4 owary cysts a day. There is zilch to fear. First your go is not in threat.there are 2 tipes of cancer the malign (thats the doomed to failure one) and the benign (thats the good one). The cyst is a planet in your ovar near omniatic fluid (mucin), what can turn into a banign cancer (23% chance for that to happen), but if that happen, you dont die, just enjoy to do a little surgery on the owar. But back i scare you, dont madness, because the doctors with the MRI find it in you, you gonna acquire from those doktors some medication, what makes the cyst travel away, or just stop it from growing. if you have more questions roughly speaking that, just contact me and ask [email protected]... (sorry for the gramatic and spelling im not english...but i try)

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