Period(tam) girls lone?

I want to where a tampon but i dont know where on earth to put it. Even if i did im scared around something wrong happening. Can someone help

I enjoy had the Mirena since May 9, be spotting since, also have never feel the strings.?

there are in reality directions in the little pamphlet inside the box. read them. if you enjoy any more questions, ask your mom or another woman you're close to.

How can I check if my plastic surgeon have any complaints filed if he is from Mexico?

there are instructions inside the box...

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ask Mom

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This interconnect might help

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When u buy a box, it have instustions , follow them otherwise if u are so scared use maxi pad.

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just put it where the blood comes out, or you can ask your mom, or a nurse, heck i bet you can even revise on the internet!!

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it goes exactly where on earth you think it go... and it's almost impossible to mess it up so nothing will move about wrong

PMT Nightmare!!?

how do you not know where to put it?
zilch wrong can happen jsut dont give notice it in for more than 4 to 8 hours
buy a box of tampons and nearby is directions in the box

Whats ordinary?

Ummm you really do know where to put it. In reality there is solely one place to put it. Relax put one foot on the toilet and insert. You can't put it in too far.

Use the right absobancy for your flow. If it is uncomfortable it isn't contained by right. Remove it gently and insert a fresh one.

Try one that have a comfort applicator. It should be smooth plastic or cardboard with a rounded tip. That will label it easier for when you are first starting.

What are some examples?


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well the first time is always the worst! But you freshly gotta be relaxed when you put it in your vagina. If your distraught it might make you have a feeling nauseous. I've hear people influence that if you standing up and one leg on the toilet, it is easier to put the tampon in. And i suggest you use a regular flow tampon, a heavier flow is thicker(bigger) and would make you perceive much more nauseous considering it's your first time. Good luck!

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speak to your mum, I am sure she will know all the answers for you, don't be shy, its your MUM

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It goes surrounded by your vagina, which if you don't know you have 3 holes down within. Where you pee, where you poo, and within between the two is the vagina. If you check the instructions in the box it will give you an illustration of how to do it. The easiest instrument is to sit on the toilet and insert it towards your tailbone. Once you have it contained by, push the plunger and it will insert itself. A string will hang and when you're prepared to change it, verbs it out by the string.don't be afraid. They're way better to use than pad.

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OK. I know exactly how you feel and what your going through. The tampon go in the stern hole and about your obsession of something wrong happening, You'll be fine as long as you transmutation them regularly. TSS is a disease that occurs when you don't progress your tampon enough (we are discussion like not shifting it for a day or 2) frequent woman with this disease finish off up with release. You shouldn't worry in the order of TSS though. If you change regularly, you'll be fine.

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My best advice would be to ask someone you trust for backing...a friend, your mom, whoever. You can also ask your doctor to show you how to do it, if you are not too modest.

Otherwise, it's not that hard, hand are only two places down in that that it would fit, and you want the one in front:) You can find detailed steps here, at the Tampax website:

Good Luck:)

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it might nouns a little strange. but either read the instructions inside the box or newly take the tampon start at the top and slide will find the openeing to the vagina on its embaressing as it sounds thas what i did haha

Serious examine about bleeding from a tampon?

Read the instructions that come with the tampons. in attendance are diagrams and everything.

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