What are some examples?

How can I ask my doctor her opinion on tampons and in the region of TSS without it anyone to akward or embarrassing? I'm 14 and I play like mad of sports and want to switch from pads to tampons. I NEED to ask my doctor. So far I hold "Can I ask you a question? Ok capably this is kind of crushing but..." think you can serve?

Ovaries hurt?

"Can I ask you a question? Ok okay this is kind of shameful but how can I be safe from TSS while using tampons?" Just obtain to the point girl!

That's a perfetly valid question. There is no grounds to be embarressed asking your doctor but you can do plenty of research on your own too.

As long as you change your tampon at least possible every 8 hours you shouldn't worry in the region of TSS

If you are afraid, you can try out other alternatives like a menstrual cup. Menstrual cups hold never been know to motive TSS and they don't soak up your natural juice like tampons do. You might be grossed out by the notion, but if you are at all interested, a moment ago do a search for Instead Cups, Diva Cup or Mooncup.

Breast Question?

tampons are not dutiful for your health.

Should I trust condoms?

Just ask her straight out. She's a doctor, and she get a lot of worse question for sure.

What are good measurements and freight?

Just say it. Doctors own heard everything and they hold heard more mortifying then that! You only said your doctor is a women so that is great! You know these doctors achieve told so many wierd things and what you are asking I am sure she have answered many times.

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