126 pounds?

Im 13 and 126 pounds. i dont look to over weight but i be aware of uncomfordable in my skin. i muse most of it is musle because i am a horse back rider and that make alot of musle. but he question is am i margarine?

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To answer your question…no, you are not fat.
You said you do not look overweight, and you’re an live person beside muscle…you are definitely not fleshy.

If you feel self-conscious, make sure to keep watch on your diet and maintain your bulk...but you're still growing so allow yourself to grow into a woman.

“Fat” is such a vague permanent status anyway, like the word “beauty”…in the eye of the beholder.
Somebody could look flab to someone but not to someone else.
Some people look at themselves surrounded by the mirror and think they’re flabby when nobody else does…
Some thin race, as thin as skeletons, might still estimate they’re fat because of mental disorder.
Some citizens with bearing too much fat reserve on their body are contained by denial (I’m just full amount and happy. I’m other smiling) and still think they look full-bodied.

But even if “fat” would mean “overweight” contained by your question…you are neither one, if you go near the BMI (Body Mass Index Chart).

You do not mention your height, which is a switch factor in determining if someone is in the fit range as far as cargo goes…but 126lbs is pretty in the middle of profoundly of different heights…you could be 5 feet towering or 5”9’ tall and be on form weighing 126lbs.

Edit: at 5"3' you could shipment 105 to 140lbs and be healthy or weigh more if it's muscle mass.

At 5 foot, you would be on the higher side of the fighting fit range and at 5”9’, you would be on the lower continuum of the healthy variety.

But those ranges are just for sluggish people who do not exercise, individuals who are out of shape and so when they attain to the “overweight” range, their doctors can panic them into exercising, before they receive to the “obese” and “extremely obese” ranges.

If you are active and you own some muscle mass that you actually can see and you look fine…then surface lucky to be among an extremely small percentage of the population who are in shape and doing great.

Do no verbs about that 110 pounds girl who’s greatly thin. She’s frail, she’s always hungry or puking and she will become a margarine adult anyway, even while not drinking much just because her BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) familiar to lower level because she denied herself the access to food while dieting.

Stay alive and maintain your strong body.

Best wishes.

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Hi first time after 3 and a partially years?

i cant answer your question because you didn't report me your height. If you are below 5'4". then your kinda curvy

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That is a good counterweight. Don't get to skinny it does not look nourishing


Dont even worry just about being round. You're still young and no event what, you are exercising by horse back-riding. But the answer to your question is: no, you are not excess weight. =)

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I can't recount you if you're fat base on your weight. If you're self-conscious, why don't you do some street lamp exercise such as walking and swimming? That will tone you up without individual too drastic...it'll just be respectable for you in any satchel. And it's totally true...muscle weighs more than podginess! But I can tell you, I'm a pregnant female and I am 5'7" and weight 189 pounds...yikes! And even I'm not stout.

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It depends how soaring you are. Your weight should be within proportion to your height. If you're around 5'6 or taller, than you're fine. But, if you're shorter, nearby's cause to concern next to Heart Disease being the #1 assassin in America.

Horseback riding does build a LOT of muscle, it builds some, but not as much as you may reflect.

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Hon, How tall are you? you can find charts that enjoy a "supposed" weight you should be for your loftiness. But I think as long as you are comfortable....it doesnt event! What would make you more comfortable next to yourself? think going on for it and make sure it is for you!

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OMG...im 13 and i love to play soccer and im 122 pounds...and i get the impression fat but i dont no if i am...HELP ME TOO!!

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Don't be thinking that, 126 pounds doesn't sounds similar to you are fat. It's better to exercise resembling you say you do than mortal lazy don't verbs about it as long as you are clean. good luck

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Seriously...Im 5'3, and I remember being at your cargo and I felt a short time uncomfortable too, but very soon Im 150 because I just get married and now I realize that I be just fine until that time!
It also depends on your height...if your soaring than you are definetely really skinny!

My advice- enjoy what you own now, and if you quality a little unconfortable try and loose going on for 5 pounds! Im sure that you dont really need to diet or anything, but conceivably start running 30 minutes a night five times a week. You might find a little more toned up! Im sure you are a moment ago fine though.like you said..you ride horses, and this is a NICE workout!!

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You are conspicuously not fat. It make me sad that at 126 pounds you mull over you are heavy. You are right, muscle does weigh more than stout, so you could be right. Please dont worry in the region of you're weight because you are probably a dazzling young woman. And just so you know, A lot of girls you're age discern the same mode and you are not the only one. Being a teen is not assured !

Just love yourself for who you are.

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Impossible to know minus knowing more about you. Age within itself isn't a factor. You could run a search for a BMI calculator, online, and punch in the values. That would endow with you a basic guideline. Otherwise, the common rule for women is 100 lbs for 5 ft high, plus 5 lbs for respectively additional inch, and next + or - 10% would be considered a "normal" range.

If you are 5'3", afterwards 126 is the high wrap up of the range. If you're shorter consequently that, then you are a short time above the range.

However, you should realize that your cargo is just a number. Ultimately, your robustness and comfort is more important. It's run of the mill at your age to feel insecure. If you truly own concerns, change your diet to include well again foods and less second-hand goods and get some extra exercise. It won't be an overnight transformation, but you'll slowly see results.

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Everyone's different... it depends on your frame, height and age. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/... have a chart where you can find your BMI (body mass index).
If you are fit, physically moving and eat in good health, don't stress about the numbers. Some of us are more dense than others... muscle ways more than podginess so 2 people weigh the same amount won't look equal.

Don't get bothered by the numbers on the level!

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125 pounds is the just right weight of a 5'5" womanly.
but if you are 5'4" then its still pretty wholesome. but also, youre 13 and trust me, if you still have some "child fat" then you will shrunken out within 1 or 2 years. my aunt told me that at 13 and i didnt believe her but it happen.

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I don't mean to be rude here, but you close to to sit on top of another animal that's walking, running, gallop, and YOU consider that exercise? You're sitting, granted it's strategic sitting (you have to stay on the horse) but you're sitting. If you're not over nearly 5'4" you might have a problem.

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know what? This really is the wrong place to ask this. Because these race have no concept what you look like, how elevated you are, how large your frame is, what your BMI is, etc. The best point to do is to ask your doctor. I have one daughter that is to say 5'5 and weighs 125 and one i.e. 5'7 and weighs 140. I am 5'5 and I weigh 140. But it's adjectives in the muscle mass, the frame size, etc. The 5'7 and I wear impossible to tell apart size clothes. You wouldn't think so.
So if you are concerned, agree to your doctor. Don't pay attention to ancestors that try to tell you you're excess weight on here, or that you are just dependable. You have told them subsequent to nothing almost yourself. Check with your doc.

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at you're height you should be almost 115, you're not terribly overweight or obese, but you are on the heavier side of the obstruction and need to keep hold of a handle on it.

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