Why are some women so hell bent on losing counterweight?

I know the majority aren't, but some seem to want to look resembling those models on tv like Paris Hilton.

They don't look resembling women, women are supposed to have curves. I can work out if you're morbidly obese and the weight's threatening your enthusiasm, but some girls I noticed are extremely skinny and want to look similar to a sack of bones. Why?

Ladies can you tell me what symptoms you have with the nuva ring ?

AMEN! A little cushion is what it should be something like. Friggin' society thicks it's about bones stickin' out. I used to feel guys were kid when they said they liked some meat on a girl's bones...but I found out they really do! Images surrounded by the media label girls' minds up that they need to be twiggy, but it ain't right!

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i am a woman and it is because we try and we try to look our best and men loose weightiness eaier than we do

What causes my girl friend to discharge excessively (like urinating) during intercourse?

because we enjoy to compeat with other woman, we hold to be the best

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Perhaps if more men looked at curvier celebrities to some extent than Paris Hilton and other skeletal celebrities this colleagues of girls wouldn't worry so much more or less it. But sadly, that's not the valise. Every girl wants to be fine, and it's as simple as that.

What is the best deoderent to stop sweating?

Society overloads females with descriptions of stick thin girls looking glamorous and human being happy and desirable. This is the mass medium that creates this feeling for girls to constantly be trying to lose cargo. They get it within their head that if they don't look approaching the women they see on TV and in magazine, etc. that no one will want them. Blame our medium.

Has anyone used the Manix Clitoral Stimulation Gel? Does it really work? Has it caused burning to any body?

Very simple: they believe it will bring them approval from someone - their mothers, lovers, peers, friends, etc.They are hooked on approval and making a desperate attempt to please somebody.

The pitiful portion is that many of the men they're trying to please don't find that look at adjectives attractive.

Seasonique advice- those who continued past 1st pack?

for some intention people tend to focus that is the lone way that hey will be acceped by society. those who arent as small as others see the actor and models wearing certsin things and feel that they must be like size to wear the things that others wear. then it can be a peer pressure article or just an influence item when they have friends or others that are smaller they lose confidence within themselves and want to be like others forgeting that hey be beautifully made different from others for a object

My period hasn't come on in 4 months why is this?

todays girls are told to be skinny! men won't similar to you if you have somewhat roll. look at all the medium and it is skinny, skinny, skinny. i had a brownie group a few yrs stern and some of them (10 and 11 yr old) said they needed to go on a diet because they weren't skinny adequate! i felt so sorry for them. what are we doing to our young-looking people? it is that means of access with boys and girls both! what are they putting in our foods today to bring in us a fat nation anyway? i own been ingestion the same foods today that i did growing up and i am in a minute a fatty too. but i was a size 10 nearly 30 yrs ago! so what is going on? i don't look at a persons looks, i look at the those personality. if they are a suitable person, i don't support what their size is.

Strong female deodorants?

Well, it is not on form to have too much fleshy. What it does it creates problems. For one there is soaring cholesterol, and the fat around the belly is dangerous, and not a soul likes to look forward to a heart attack. What you hail as curves are often solid accumulating at the hips and lower stomach nouns, and most women would like to trim down the fatty areas. None of this is easily done.

Is it true for women to be bit more fearful before have their period?

I couldn't agree beside you more man. Whenever I see one of those women I naturally infer "sick" or "diseased" I don't even know why.

I'm having tang problem? Advice what should I add to my each day meal to run down this problem?

I know what you mean. The sexiest women to me are the ones near alot of meat to grab, especially surrounded by the lower body

AKA my hot wife :P

Ok ladies, I am 49still have a decent period. no menapause but.?

society thinks that women that are even the slightest bit overweight are monstrous. it's pathetic that some men expect women to look similar to a supermodel.
i'd rather enjoy a little extra than not plenty.

Itchy bumps on the groin?

girls are fucked up

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