Hi! I enjoy a weight give somebody the third degree! I'm 19 years old, 5 ft 2 within and i weigh 149 pounds.?

I exercise three times a week, alternating between the bike and the treadmill, then doing the thigh piece of equipment and ab and love handle electrical device. I was wondering, if i be to go down to 800-1000 calories, but at one and the same time eat fit food, six meals a year, would it be okay or would i get sick. Im not sure of this because ethnic group say not to stir below 1400 calories but if you really look at it, five servings of fruit and five of vegetables are not that many calories, and one portion of rice chicken and beans is not abundantly either. If i put away at portions, i can have six meal a day and still be between 800-1000 calories a light of day. Would i get sick or would it be okay to do it that channel? Thank you all surrounded by advance.

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Just breed sure you take vitamins and guzzle only when you are hungry. Don't overeat, don't starve yourself, eat as much fruit and veggies as you can stand. Drink nought but water or diet drinks (any drink containing sugar substitute, and is low to no calorie).

Eat on your time?

i dont think you should cut calories because i dont regard as it would work. I have be lifting weight and i loss 2 pounds minus even trying. there is an article that debate about losing shipment by lifting weight and building lean muscle on Yahoo Health so check it out!

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You can cut calories but you may want to add a supplement into your routine. Maybe some protein. Also lift daily vitamins approaching OneADay for women

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You shouldn't progress below 1400 calories because your body will think it is self starved and will in certainty hold on to the weight fairly than let travel of it. Any weight that you lose during a process similar to this is going to be muscle first, and that you don't want to do.

If you can lift weights a few times a week, that will really minister to you out. You don't have to move about nuts either. I started near a $69 weight bench and in recent times a few free weights. That alternated with cardio will lend a hand you.

Plus, if you are working out you really should NOT decrease your caloric intake!! If you look at mass lifters or runners, you'd be surprised at how many calories they consume surrounded by a day! Some necessitate more than 2000 calories a day to hold up with the fitness level.

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