My girlfriend's afraid to use a public toilet. Any accepted wisdom?

We want to travel but she's afraid of the smell of other people's poo (I guess her own is OK). What can we do? Anyone else close to this?

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Hmmmmm! Maybe don't travel..

Smaller Breast?

Just tell her that the toilet will be verbs

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If only the smell is the solitary trouble, buy a really good covering, or practice breathing through the mouth.

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Check this out. They actually did a examination on this and Public Restrooms are actually more than 80% cleaner than household bathrooms because within cleaned on a daily baises. A middle-of-the-road family just seriously cleans and disinfects there bathroom especially well something like once a month. Pretty gross hah. Hope it helps.

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As far as the smell go, why doesn't she carry a spray contained by her purse so she can spray in the stall back she decides to do her business. Tell her to stripe the toilet with toilet broadsheet and then sit - I do this adjectives the time, I never know who's sat here before or if she have a disease of some sort. I can agree with her somewhat, but convey her about the know what I'm discussion about right? One of those deodorizers yea? Good luck hun:)

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I enjoy never heard someone not wanting to use a public bathroom because they be afraid of the smell, but I dont go surrounded by public restrooms unless i HAVE to, I do this because I am not comfortable going in public (someone hearing me, ect.) Maybe she will freshly have to use one if its an emergency but otherwise I presume it wouldnt be a problem. Unless she has a huge phobia, if thats the overnight case I would suggest counciling

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Well portable toylets work for kids if shes not to big she could use one of those!

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She can take one of those "Oust" sprays next to her.

She has zilch to be afraid of. She needs abet for her phobia.

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Well what did she do growing up using school bathrooms and after her relatives at her own house? That's a phobia, she desires to really address that, is she a germophobic maybe? I would bring up to date her if it's just the smell, cart a spray air freshner near her and open the door, spray, hang about abit then budge in and use it. If it's more resembling sitting on the toliet, then they do get rid of paper wraps you can set on the form then sit on the wrap or she can hover over the toliet and walk. Let's see, your hands are dirty already when you turn on the faucet so rinse and use a paper towel to shut it sour and to open the door when departing, or just dry-clean the faucet or take lysol and spray both. I other open the door departure the john with a daily towel then toss it contained by the trash, you never know who washes their hand and not and whats on their hands, especially if you are going to guzzle after using the bathroom. I wish you guys luck!

HELP! Pads! (Girls/women only)?

Your Girlfriend is smart....notify her to carry around Purell anti bacterial sanitizer next to her during vacation as resourcefully as some Lysol spray. No we aren't paranoid, we just aid about our bodies. Cant be too chary these days.

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Give her a strong laxative and make sure your nowhere hard by home. LOL, just kid but I thougt it was funny within American Pie...sorry!

Think i've taken too many laxatives,aid!?

Others have given you biddable advice give or take a few practical things to do. But I wonder if it is not a larger problem.

She may be suffering from a social phobia (fear of bathrooms) because she is embarrassed to own a bowel movement when others can hear or smell. Or she may have stage fright, also certain as bashful bladder, shy bladder, pee shy. The medical-psychological term is paruresis. It is the inability to pee when anyone is just round the corner. In women it is often the horror of someone hearing them pee.

I am a psychotherapist. I just now had a woman tolerant who had this problem. Sometimes she wait and waited for everyone else to exit the Ladies Room. When she peed after putting that off for tons hours, her pee didn't last intensely long since she emptied her bladder resembling a gushing waterfall.

People hold hindmost from peeing in public toilets:(1) because they fear that they might not know how to pee and would be embarrassed not to step, and (2) they need privacy because they be taught at home to lock the bathroom door and never agree to anyone see you pee. So in public, near all their germs, their bladder locks up or freezes. They are still trying to please mom or dad and to meet the terms their rules

Any funny weird.. emabarassing length stories?

tell her to poop in a purse and throw it out the window.

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