When is my term? Just asking.?

Hi.I am 12 years old and 6 months and 10 days outdated.I haven't got my time of year yet. All the girls surrounded by my class have it except me. They hold on making fun of me because I am the shortest in my class look "immature" according to them.
I stated growing breast buds since I was 10 I regard as.

I have seriously of vaginal discharge. I got them since I be 11. But the amount increased when I reached 12.

I freshly want to get prepared when m term comes.


Is it normal to hold stretch marks when I'm merely 20 years old?

It will come anytime between presently and when you are 16. So you are not abnormal kiddo.

Just hold pads next to you wherever you travel in a purse or backpack. It may be brownish at first, which is mundane and may only spot for a sunshine or two, then stop and next come back again. And it will cart some months to begin to regulate, so maintain those pads next to you.

Gas, sore breasts, bloating, diarrhea, feeling more tired, cramps are adjectives normal as powerfully. Use a hot water bottle when you enjoy cramps and rest more if you find you are more tired.

As for the girls bugging you, ignore them. If you show them that it bothers you, they will verbs.

You're totally normal and you're great freshly the way you are! Promise.

How soon after a C-section can I start working out next to a personal trainer?

Have you talked to your mom nearly the vaginal discharge? I would tell her or someone surrounded by your family. Sounds similar to you may need a trip to the doctor. As far as not have your period and anyone 12- I wouldn't worry too much give or take a few that. Everyone's body is different. I was almost 15 when I started mine but my sister be 9.

Plz suggest some exercise to grow longer..?

Your period will come... when its time. There isn't a definate age for it. My mother be 15. I was 9.
We adjectives 'bloom' at different rates. Don't worry going on for it.
If you don't have your interval by 16... you might see a gynocologist.

Lower abdominal pain - reproductive organs?

Girls reach from 11 to 14 when getting their periods, its not a big contract after a while but the 1st time is kinda scary newly have a revise of clothes and tampons or pads when you grasp it

Is this normal?

Hunn dont verbs about it. Youll win your period when your body is equipped. Im 13 and yeah i was resembling you the only one that didnt hold it well thats what it feel like. But your not alone. trust me. And you know you could start soon discharge is a sign of gettin your time of year some girls have it a year or 2 until that time there time. Check your body for other signs. Do you have pubic spike down there? armpit pelt? Pimples? Breast hurting ? dont worry youll take it soon and the younger you get it sometimes when you hold breasts that young at 11 the wil flop before yours do. Youll carry it soon dont worry it will come Dont rush it...or verbs about it too much.

Try looking on google if you want to know more something like growing up. I was approaching you and i got it 3 months ago. Good luck

My first time was brownish discharge...the subsequent time it turned red just a head up every girl is different.

Will my period stop if i gain into water?

It really depends .. every girl is different.. although i cant see why you or any girl would be looking foward to it IT SUCKS!! when i first get it i was approaching unaware of a preiod so i be like surrounded by shock and i thought i was dying ROFL hahaha i alot of girls win major crampage i occasionally if ever do thank god a sk your mom sweety

IS THIS BAD OR GOOD? please read.?

You will get it when your body is all set (and not a minute sooner) girls can get it from 8-18, so don't verbs. it'll come eventually.

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