How soon after a C-section can I start working out near a personal trainer?

I am delivering surrounded by October and wanted to know how various weeks should I wait past working out with a personal trainer. I inevitability to loose 30 lbs and have worked out successfully beside a trainer before so I am looking to return after the tot is born.

Menstrual period for seven straight months. doc put me on progesterone for 10 days.?

You are going to want to skulk at LEAST 6-8 weeks after you have your little one before going put a bet on to any strenuous activity. This should also be your OB's guidance.

With your C section, an invasive procedure through muscle, you will own pain and discomfort for a few weeks, which will stricture your ability to exercise.

With my first C passage (I have have three of them), I was still have some pain from the curative process 10-12 weeks after my oldest was born. My abdominal muscles are still on the half-hearted side.

Perhaps your trainer can help you beside some easy exercises until you can hoist greater than 10 pounds (this doc order last 4-6 weeks).

After your baby is born, transport some time to enjoy your little angel, follow your doctor's information. In this case, aching is NOT a good item because your muscles have to treat.

Sorry for this question, it's to do beside rape.?

Really it will be yr doctor's decision, but it could be between 6 to 12 weeks. All the best!


I believe the OB/GYN suggests 6-8 weeks, but you should consult your OB/GYN, because everyone's body is different and every womans pregnancy and C-sections are different.

Take protection and hope you can get to a trainer soon so you can touch better about yourself :) I know how ya be aware of - I have a daughter and could not hang about to shed those extra pounds I had put on from pregnancy :)


Major Help!!?

ask your doctor. he will know the rigth answer

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