Question about hemorrhoids - Where do they turn out? How do they look visually?

My question is newly where contained by the anal area do hemorrhoids materialize? Do they just ensue on either side of the midline or can they take place anywhere around the anal opening? I enjoy a small purple hard 'marble-like' bumpy place at my anal opening but it is toward the backbone and I'm just wondering if it would be a hemorrhoid. I own a dr.'s appt scheduled but looking for counsel until then.


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Hemorrhoids are varicose (swollen or dilated) vein located inside the anus (internal hemorrhoids) or around the exterior of anus (external hemorrhoids).

External hemorrhoids are varicose veins located on the outside of the anus, below the skin. They are more frequently associated with tight irritation, especially when a blood clot forms within the dilated artery.

Most cases of hemorrhoids can be treated at home. On rare occasion, surgery is required to remove hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids symptoms are:

Pain and pressure in the anal canal.
A grapelike lump on the anus.
Itching and soreness in and around the anus.
Blood on underwear, toilet daily, the surface of the stool or in the toilet bowl.
Symptoms can be made worse by straining during constipation and overly aggressive wipe of the anus

To reduce affliction and itching of hemorrhoids, you can try these methods:

Take sitz baths; sit in a shallow bath of warm river several times a day. Don't donate anything to the water.

Use a hemorrhoid cream (like Preparation H) or suppository. Follow the directions on the bunch. These products help beside the symptoms, but they don't shrink the hemorrhoids.

Don't strain during bowel movements. Talk to your doctor about using a stool softener to assistance with constipation.

Avoid becoming dry.

You can prevent hemorrhoids by keeping bowel movements regular and stool soft. Also, avoid prolonged standing, sitting, and heavy lifting, and chronic coughing, straining at stool, and aggressive wipe.

Indian scan?

Hemorrhoids can occur anywhere around the anal pipe - this are external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids develop deeper in the rectum above the dentate stripe.

It is important you see a doctor to be sure what it is. Wrong treatment can singular cause more mischief.

In case your doctor will confirm that it is a hemorrhoid I suggest you try Rue Care Oil. This grease truly delivers amazing results - it shrinks the hemorrhoid, stops bleeding if nearby is any, repair the damaged tissue, strengthen the vein and so prevent hemorrhoids from returning.

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