I'm a women janitor why do girls or women give up the toilet not flushed after a taking a * and men cant find

a way to hit the urinals it is raining on the floor by theam


gross. did you really need to speak about us all that sweetie?

In the human feminine, where does the central part of gravity exist?


Girls.tite or lose?

Sometimes when I go to the public toilet it does not alway flush properly.Thankyou for cleaning the toilets which is a horrible and probably underpaid post. It cant be the best of all.Also to any other cleaning ladies outhere.Thank you.

Girls just please!?

i think they do that because in good health they think "i dont enjoy to clean it up so." sorry for adjectives of it though humans can be really disgusting.. thanks also wreak with out janitors the toilets would be even mmoorree discusting..

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