Irregular extent b/c of sex?

so my period is 3 weeks unpaid, last month it be 2.5 weeks late. i have an irregular period my integral life. I am sexually alive but we use condoms AND he pulls out so i know i can't be pregnant please don't suggest a test. is within anything that can make it come sooner? its so annoying. i'm supposed to move about on birth control to regulate it.. but it hasn't come for me to use by BC when it finishes. ooooooh do you think its possible that havign sex delay periods? cuz i've notice since becoming sexually active, my period are more irregular.

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Good Day,
Some women's length will stop after a sexual encounter but not be delayed. A period is considered missed if within is no menstrual flow for 6 or more weeks. So you should be okay. As well as some women's extent is very irregular until they are contained by the Early 20s. To make sure of a more consistent details.Mark on your calender with for a moment dot when you have your interval. Then from the last light of day of blood flow your period could come any be from 21 days on up to 35 days. Not the old arts school way of learning that it is a 28 day count. Every women's body is different. The other reason are Stress, or a hormonal change, dare we read aloud also pregnancy o.0?
As well if you are taking the birth control pill remember you enjoy to take it everyday at alike time or it in essence become ineffective. This is one of the more strict regiments for birth control out on the market.But it also have proved to be one of the most effective. Make sure you lug extra precautions while having sex. Make sure you do the calender check. Talk to your doctor and explain your situation. Your prescription may want to be changed as your health wants change.
Hope this Helps

Please answer! Just lost my virginity.?

u can start the bc pills formerly u have ur extent. and from my experience sex doesnt really affect ur mentsrual cycle well at most minuscule not for me. but as long as u use condoms each time and they dont break u couldnt be pregnant so. a moment ago start ur bc pills and it should straighten out within a month or 2.

I own a question for the ladies it's around tubes being tied.?

you can skip a time of year from stress,change of diet ,revision of exercise but nothing you can do to clear it come earlier and no sex doesnt obstruction a period but birth control does

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Being sexually actinve helps to regulate period a little. Going onto birth control will relieve moreso. The pill will help to regulate your time of year and further reduce the risk of getting pregnant. I find the pulling out method rugged to control. When orgasm is close, the natural instict is to thrust deeper, not to verbs out. After all, the basic reason for sex, apart from pleasure is to receive babies. Hence the need to ejaculate as far inside as possible.

Do i filch a test or keep on a little longer?

Sexual hobby does not affect your menstrual patterns.

Your spell will change throughout your time, and irregularity is very adjectives in teenagers, for an assortment of reasons. Best item to do its to just roll near the punch. When you go on birth control it will most feasible change again.

Also: "Pulling out" does NOT prevent pregancy. Men hold pre-ejaculate that contains sperm and is released during intercourse. This is how a woman can still get pregnant even if the man removes his penis beforehand full ejaculation. Remember, it only take one sperm to get pregnant. Please use birth control asap.

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sometimes sex can irritate you. So can stress, lifting large things. And if you are around other women alot, you seem to cycle next to them. Who knows. Myself and my daughter enjoy problems alot also. We are at the docs all the time, never the same answers lone more questions. You really should see your doctor, it could be numerous things, and possibly something truly is wrong!!

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