Contraceptive relieve?...adjectives thoughts required
I entail to know a few things about some people as i involve to compare contraceptive pills. The following questions are what are needed in charge for me to complete my essay. I would ask friends/family, but there are only a couple that still give somebody a lift contraceptive pills.
1: What is the name of the contraceptive pill you are taking?
2: Describe briefly any side effects that it gives you?
3: What are the virtuous points of the pill you are taking?
4: What are the bad points of the pill you are taking?
5: Would you recommend it to anyone else? Why/Why not?
Thank you very much within advance...I really should have done this a long time ago, but oh all right .
Answers: I haven't been on the pill in years, but I not long stopped getting the shot so I hope this helps.
1.I took the Depro-Provera birth control shot.
2. It took away all my sex drive, my facade broke out constantly, and I felt as moody as when I had PMS adjectives the time.
3. I didn't get pregnant, and I didn't get my time.
4. I didn't want to have sex with my husband after I started taking it, and I be irritable all the time.
5. No it was the worst birth control method I ever tried. I also read after that it increases the risk of cancer.