Is it a sprain or something else??

So i was walking at the store with my mom when adjectives of a sudden my foot got into ALOT of pain!(couldnt put any cargo on it) and i mean i was limping adjectives the way to the car. Once we get into the car i told my mom that i couldnt stand the pressure on my foot and that i couldnt drive so she drove. I got here and she rubbed it for resembling 5 mins and put ice on it for 20 mins. The pain within my foot has lightened up but my calf is hurting and subdivision of the ankle is now swollen, Did I sprain my foot by just walking? it is a brass neck??

What could it be??

I Put up a pic....

Answers:    It's very unusual that you would have a sprain minus actually doing anything to twist your ankle. I reason it sounds like a tear to your achilles ligament. That's the tendon that attaches your calf muscle to your heel.
It's very upright that you got some ice on it right away. That rime really helps lessen pain and inflammation. It's the swelling that make it stiff and sore. But you need to put ice on it some more and save it on there until the pain subsides. You may own torn it and it might be a good idea to own it examined. If there is a tear, a doctor could make available you crutches and help you stay off of it until it have healed.
I looked at your picture and you have abundantly of swelling. That's bad. It's not getting any better walking on it and walking on it right now is making for more inflammation and swelling. You obligation to get that under control right away. The sooner you accomplishment, the faster your recovery will be.
It's terribly luckless that you have injured yourself. My heart goes out to you. The sooner you can start treatment, the more credible you will be feeling like your run of the mill self again. An icepack and rest may be all you need, but if it requires more treatment, the sooner you find out, the better it will be. And we unquestionably want you to get better.
I hope this helps you..
you may enjoy twisted your ankle. This happens to me quite repeatedly. Hope you feel better soon:) From the picture, it looks like you own sprained your ankle. Take some Advil (ibuprofen), put ice on your ankle for twenty minutes, then whip the ice off for an hour, reapply. Keep this up for as long as you are home (you can do this while watching tv, etc.) Also, try to prop your ankle up on the vertebrae of the sofa if you're laying there or on some pillows if you're lying within bed; this will get rid of some of the swelling also. Another HUGE thing is, don't permit your mom (or anyone!) rub on your ankle. Rubbing or massaging it will only rationale it to swell more!
Stay off of your feet as much as possible for the subsequent 2-3 days.

If this does not help withing the next 3 days, create an appointment with a physician to rule out a fracture. Hope you feel better!

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