Is this girl gross or what?

there is this girl at my school that does inapproapiate things similar to: sticks her hand within her pants and does something beside her privite parts. then she sniffs her appendage and then lick it! also she gives us Gay looks and other sits by us. she offfers us food or sometimes bubble gum and we don't take it because of what she does. How do I put in the picture her to stop what she is doing and stop bugging us all the time?

also contained by counciling when we talked just about flirting and stuff, the word pregnant came up and she slouched down surrounded by her chair. she is solely 11 years old.

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This girl could be person molested. Someone should ask the school to check on this girl. She sounds enormously lonely and I am sure people pick on her and hail as her names which doesnt backing her situation. Ask your school counselor to settle to this girl. Explain what is going on. This little girl sounds like she wants help.

Weird but of late want to know?

Um, I'm just wondering what is a "Gay" look? If you have a feeling uncomforable with this girl, a moment ago politely decline her offer of food or gum. You might want to inform a teacher or someone to report to her politely that what she is doing is inappropriate and she should not do what she does contained by class.

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idk but thats lately ew.and shes masturbating thats prolly it and she can get contained by big trouble for doing that at school.uhh idk but simply don't be super mean..


She is dieing for attention although negative allention she is getting it, stay as far away from her as you can. Or report to her to wash her hand and keep her play time contained by a private place like her own room and not surrounded by public because noone else is interested in seeing her pleasure herself

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sick! report it to an adult. she wants serious help!

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Best entry to do is ignore her behaviors. She predictable has a disorder of some charitable and/or comes from a not so nice home. She also may have be sexually abused at some point (I say this because of her behaviors... plentifully of kids act sexual things out because of the abuse).

Just permit her be and try to at least be respectful to her when you speak no thanks for the food or gum. The poor piece just requests some friends.

D&C three months ago and still bleeding is this normal?

shes really gross report to your conciler

I had a miscarraige in the order of 3 weeks ago?

It sounds like she might be trying to masterbate in public. Wether it's because she's in recent times horny or looking for attention, I cannot say. Either means of access, I agree, it is totally disgusting.

Try talking to your don or councelor, school nurse even, and agree to them know what's going on. Especially about the slouching when "pregnant" come up, there might be a bigger issue going on next to her.

On the other hand, even at 11 years hoary, you know if you are bisexual or gay. Maybe when she looks at you she's trying to tell you she like you. If this is the case, someone have to ask her if she is and let her know that it make you uncomfortable when she does this to you.

Goodluck near everything and hope nothing is seriously wrong next to her...

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shes nasty. wow um lol. basically tell her that what shes doing isnt right to do at academy

First period?

she is chance and pregnant and tell her to grow up

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She probably in recent times wants attention. Next time she does something gross & looks at you you could any ignore her or afford her a look like "you are discusting what the F* are you doing" hehe goooodluck!!

"that time of the month" ..?

What in the world is a gay look? And I seriously don't believe you.

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