How do u get hold of rid of a hickie?


What is it?

Don't think you can. Hide it near concealer, and make sure that they are surrounded by places hidden by clothing in the adjectives if you like getting them.

Pregant and bleeding?

it will budge away by itself try hiding it by using make-up

How plentiful times on my period should i use tampons?

you can't, put by it and wait a daylight or so.

I have a day after day white vaginal dischare that is not a yeast infection, is this usual?

makeup or foundation.

I am interested in taking vitamins but which is the best vitamin for a 35 year old woman to help yourself to?

put some cover up on it.

Does he have to verbs out, even though hes wearing a condom and im on the pill?

hahahhaha should have thought bout that beforehand you got em!! hahahaha

Why do vaginal discharges smell so foul in recent times after periods but gain better later?

put a spoon contained by the freezer let it bring back cold and place on the hickie

Period like attitude?

Make-up worked for me. but it will go away on its own!

Contraception - the pill call Cerazette - and the side effects. Sex drive - want sex more or less!!?

ok, this works but try to follow me.
Take something that have a flat end, for example a chapstick sunhat works great.
Put it on the hickie and twist. Try to take some skin as you are twisting. I know it sounds wierd, but it breaks up the blood that is of late sitting there and make it dissapear. It wont totally go away, but its a big difference. Plus, you can preserve doing it throughout the day

Does moderate cervical dysplasia bring bleeding?

You don't, the more you play with it the dark it gets. Try makeup, a shade lighter than your skin color.

Having boyfriend trouble?

I use the top of a chapstick panama (with it still attatched to the chapstick) place it on the hickie and push and this for a takes a bit but not a really long pushes the blood rear down... if it's really dark it might single make it lighter but use cover up if that's the grip

When should I get my first term?!?!?!?

you have to acquire another one right on top of it, repeat the process twice, and it will clear up almost 90%. True Story

What is the best masturbating technique?

cold spoon

I hold large pains in my vagina what could it be?

you shouldn't use makeup on hickies because it could cause scare.

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