Has anyone ever bleed for more than two weeks while on birth control?

I have been taking Yaz since Feburary. Recently i hold started spotting and i don't know why. This has been going on for more than two weeks. I own never missed a pill. I don't want to go to the doctor if its not really serious but feminine product get expensive after a while so can someone please facilitate me?

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Yes, I have experience breakthrough bleeding on my previous birth control pill that lasted for 5 and 1/2 weeks. I never missed a pill any and after finally not being able to toy with the bleeding anymore, I decided to see my gyn.

He said that the pill I was on be too low in estrogen and was cause a hormone imbalance. He switched my pill to a different brand and I haven't had any bleeding for 2 and 1/2 months (I'm taking my birth control pills continuously - recommended by my gyn to treat my endometriosis).

I would recommend that you consult beside your doctor to see what they say. Your pill may be too low in estrogen and you might hold a hormone imbalance going on.

Good luck :)

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Maybe ring your surgery and ask to speak to a practice nurse. Explain your symptoms to her, and if she thinks it is neccessary, she will sort an appointment to see you, or arrange a doctors appointment for you. It does take a while to adjust to the pill, however, you shouldn't really be bleeding for two weeks. It may just be that this pill is indecorous for you, in which case you will be changed onto a different pill.

Good luck...its best to go and get it checked out just incase!

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Some forms of birth control can cause your menstrual cycle to verbs for a long time. Every woman's body is different and reacts differently to birth control. You should call your doctor and discuss your side effects beside him or her. If he or she does not answer all your questions, you should switch doctors to someone who does so that you can generate informed decisions.

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Just call the doctors bureau and ask his nurse or have him call you support.

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