I have a on a daily basis white vaginal dischare that is not a yeast infection, is this conventional?

I'm 21 years old, for the finishing few months i've had yest infections and be treated for it. I continued to have a white vaginal discharge after the medication. I went to my doctor for test and there be no sign of infections. Is this normal? If it is not an infection and i'm have these white discharges everyday what could it be?

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it's a regular discharge and it'll take thicker and thicker when you start to ovulate and it'll get stickier and it also scheme you are fertile and your the sticker the discharge it's a good break for reproduction, and if reproduction doesn't occur more than feasible a period is coming. if here's pain, itchiness, and smelly discharge a vaginal infection have set in.

Male to female(s) grill?

if its not a major dischage. or approaching it doesnt itch than its jus regular discharge. y dont u see another doc for some more tests?

So im on my length. For some reason, this time the blood seem light and watered-down. Is that bad?

make an appointment next to your gyn for STD testing. other use a condom.

Tampons !?

I have it too, no requirement to worry I only got checked too. I believe thats pretty normal.

Birthcontrol examine..answer please?

this can be your new conventional and is fine if you already went to the doc. your cycle is supposed to coppers like every 7 years.

dont verbs unless you have other symptoms along near the discharge like odor / itch / aching

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