What can i do to regulate my interval?

because i havent got my extent in in the region of 4 or 5 months and im getting worried. im a virgin. i might be stressed a little. i first get my period 4 years ago.
can smoking stuff mete out this?
and what can i do or eat to regulate my extent?


Answers:    It could be stress, diet, exercise or an infection. Talk to your doctor; birthcontrol pills can sustain regulate.
in the first 5-10 years it is incredibly irregular, and theres nothing you can do. sorry ...regularly the contraceptive pill is prescribed, bet to talk to your Dr.
How nearly a visit to your gynecologist? They can recommend the best entity for you. My guess is they will do a simple pap smear to make sure everything is fine, and probably put you on some hormones, or birth control. Even though you are a virgin, the pill will serve regulate your periods similar to clock work. Okay thats totally normal, I get my period and afterwards it stopped for about 6 months. That style of thing happen. One thing you can do is You can move about on birth control. The pill is something that should definetly regulate your period.
Okay, commonly if your period is irregular, i'd other lean on getting a doctor to check you out.

My periods be a little irregular, (i'm a virgin too) and i go on microgynon (aka The Pill)

My periods are regular, virtually painless, and i can control them. Plus, i hear they're a great contraceptive (!)
I havn't hear of anything that you can eat to regulate your interval. I have one and the same problem and everytime I went to the doctor they told me I requirement to get on birth control. Have you be tested for this yet? There are things similar to PCOS (polycystic ovarion syndrom) that cause symptoms approaching a lack of interval. My best advice is freshly go see your doctor. Depending on how old-fashioned you are, you should probably be getting a regular pap smear anyway.

How many cycles own you seen so far?
stress can relocate your menstrual cycle. Exercise, eat healthy- unharmed grains, ominous leafy veggies, bright colored and deep colors fruits, and drink plenty of dampen. Exercise too and see what happens! Hun, jump see an OB/GYN. You can tell him/her confidentially what you are smoking and find out if specifically causing the problems near your period.
There is nought you can eat to regulate your interval. (unless of course you in recent times aren't eating enough--anorexia)
Stress can exact you to miss periods, so can anorexia.
The doctor can contribute you a birth control pill to try to regulate your period (even though you are not sexually influential they sometimes prescribe pills for other reasons approaching this).
And some people newly don't get regular period, and you can't regulate them, but this you can discuss with the doctor as powerfully.
first i think the smoking have no effect on the period, my warning to u is to go to see a worthy Dr. because u may have problems within ur hormones.
take meticulousness it could be polycycstic ovarian syndrome,cos 4-5 months without interval cannot be anything normal.u can see a doctor to see whats the physical problem.to regulate your periods its accurate to stick to a healthy diet,in the present day teens are not so into healthy diets,more into snacks and junk,a healthy diet together next to exercise is very honourable.regular exercise regulates period and ur body hormones.but for your problem i direction u to see the doc first thing.

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