My fiancee have diabetes..she is just 23...plz relieve?

my fiancee has diabetes..and i considered necessary to know what problems it might cause surrounded by our married life.
is it gonna creel our sexual life?
will she own a normal infant?
what other problems we might face?
plzzzzzzzzz help

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diabetes can be passed to kids, however most phycisians support females against pregnancy if they have diabetes because of pregnancy complications, it will not effect your sex energy, but it will change her diet, it might transformation yours to because of being considerate of the foods she like but cant eat and you can

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Honestly if you are asking this request for information I'd like to ask if you truly love her, There are 2 types of diabetes type1 which is insulin dependent and type 2 which can be controlled next to diet, meds, or and insulin, type 1 can be passed along to the offspring look in or search the net for more info, if your not sure that you want to spend the rest of your life next to this person do both of yourselves a favor and only don't do it!

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Her problems will depend largely on how well she have managed her diabetes. If she have a history of letting her blood sugar get out of whack, this can result in longterm damage adjectives over her body. Some women do have a decline in sex drive due to neuropathy or inability to produce all right lubrication during sex. During pregnancy she will have to followed particularly carefully and pregnancy can put a big strain on her body. You really necessitate to educate yourself on diabetes. Go to for anything and everything you'd ever want to know just about diabetes. It can be a scary disease, but it doesn't own to be. The key is, as her fiance, you have need of to educate yourself so you can comfort her take diligence of herself, which will make both your lives easier surrounded by the long run. Good luck!

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she will not recover from weakness as fast as other folks , as she gets elder she will have trouble next to her eyes, and kidneys and possibly her ability to hike unless she takes effort of herself, sex is fine usually though she will have more yeast infections than other women, babys are usually ok but she must do everything the doctor tell her to do to be safe and okay . is it type 1 or type 2? if its type 2 she can do a great deal forherself in a minute by losing weight.

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I am a type1 Diabetic and I am gladly married. We have a great sex natural life. And I had two glowing kids that are now grown and neither of th,em has Diabetes,thank God. The best item she can do for herself is to watch her diet,her Glucose level and get exercise. You should draw from educated on it as powerfully. Now,i am going to tell you that you two can organize a healty normal natural life just close to others. She just have to follow her game plan is adjectives. Diabetes is hereditary so that`s why there is a adjectives the baby might grasp it. but that is not other the case.When she get older(like I am) It may cause some prejudice to her eyes or kidneys or nerves. But you can also slow down that process and buy her alot of time by following her program. Diabetic Nutritional Counseling is good and Getting to the Dr every three months is righteous to check liver and kidney function. Not all Diabetics are overwieght,but if she is,the best piece she can do is lose the weight. It will label a big difference. As far as yeast infections,if she keeps her blood sugars contained by check, she will be ok. Usually Yeast infections are caused by anti-biotics and firm to get rid of if her blood sugar level are consistently high. Don't stop living because of Diabetes friend. You and her can organize a normal full-bodied fun life if you do the right things. While she is youthful is a good time to carry started .Take Care. Good Luck to you Both!!

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