Just had my 1st time of year?

please give me tips that i wont inevitability to find out the hard means of access... like helpfull hints.

Please im serious girls solely aaahhhhh please!?

It's better to start off near pads, consequently move on to tampons. That's what I did, same beside most of my friends. Don't sleep with a tampon contained by, for the prevention of TSS. TSS is toxic shock syndrome, it has something to do near a bacterial thing I reason, but it can be fatal sometimes. But when you buy tampons, here's a whole page adjectives about it surrounded by the booklet you'll find in the box. The more comfortable tampons are OB regulars and Tampax Pearl. Also, Tylenol, midol, and pamprin are great for period pains. Your flow WILL carry heavier at night, so wear the gooey pads to sleep. There'll be a crag between the end and the foundation of your period within which your flow gets cumbersome again, just survey out for that. Your flow probably won't get large for a while though, since you just get it. And you could be irregular for a while too (we're talking one or two years), which isn't extraordinary, so it's nothing to verbs about.

If I quit my bulimia today, how long earlier I get my interval back?

Get on the pill! It doesn't event if you're sexually active or not. The pill will assistance with your cramps and also manufacture you regular. Since you just get it, you will be very irregular for probably a year or so. And cramps SUCK! The pills pretty much take care of that. Good luck and treatment to the joys of mortal a woman!

For guys only!!?

congratz. powerfully, if you insert a tampon sitting down with one leg up its easier to insert. Pads are pious on light days, and tampons are easier when its cloying. You should change your pad every 4 hours even if they aren't very dirty, otherwise they may make a "funk". Dont be anxious if you have short period or it comes back after a hours of daylight (you are still irregular) always, and I scrounging ALWAYS sleep with a wad on (I ruined my fav. pajama bottoms **sob**)

What can i do to try to grow/get longer legs? Any exersizes, food?

Share it with your mother. This is fragment of growing into a woman and she will want to help you and answer your question. You will need pad. Don't be scared. :)

My aunt is throwing up blood and it's frightening me what should i do and what does this propose?

wow thats gotta be fun.
i remember my first time.
well if you're gonna use a wipe, make sure you gain some good ones so u dont attain 'blood' everywhere.
and if using a tampon, keep track of when you put it within, so you know when to take it out. since its your first time, i'd suggest not using tampons a moment ago yet so you can get hold of used to everything. you need to find a heating wad for those really bad cramps. dont move about 2 sleep w/ the pad on you. turn it rotten! also dont put the pad directly on your skin, that will kinda burn if you make tracks it too long.
also if you get to where on earth you have blood stains on any clothes, sheets, ect. put it in COLD wet and get an weak toothbrush or something and kinda rub it. it helps find the stains out!!
thats all i can deem of @ the moment!! good luck and meet to the painful world of self a woman!! =]

Work out plans for a fourteen year old?

Sweetie...forget the tampons and human being on the pill at your age...some people simply enjoy no common sense. Having our term is the most natural item we go through. I get mine at 9 y/o and was regular as a clock from the first time. It's normal to quality uncomfortable but zilch a warm hip bath and a candy bar can't solved. Always fetch feminine pads within your purse. You can share this with your closest girlfriends and you'll see your friends surface the same as you.congratulations!

Does deodorant lose it's use?

You don't say what your experience be like. Did you hold cramping? Were you scared? Do you hold anyone at home to speak with in the order of it? Is there anything in selective you would like facilitate with? I be very embarassed when I first get mine and didn't tell anyone. I decision I would have, my Mom be a great Mom but I was exceptionally private and didn't want to go on and on in the order of such a personal thing. I remember she have her opinions in the order of using a tampon and didn't approve but I felt really gross using a wipe - personal opinion - I would be lively to help if you explain a bit more in the region of what you could use help near.

How to get my wife to detail me what she wants?

First, don't engender decisions base on peer pressure when it comes to your menstrual health. Sounds really stupid, but tapons are considered better than pad and teenage girls can influence you. Make the decision best for you. Just be ready for impromptu highs and lows, you will probably screech at your parents and hug your best friend all at once. Always hang on to a stock of hershey bars and midol underhand somewhere, along with some relaxing bubble tub. Just remember that your body is going through a lot, so don't grain too guilty for bumming it in sweats and junk food for a weekend (any longer, try to work out of it). Be biddable to your body. Light exercise like walking or swimming can backing ease mild-moderate cramps. If cramps acquire really bad, run for Bayer Back and Body (the uterus is a muscle). Good luck, you will be guaranteed to hate it surrounded by two years! lol

Is there any cream to acquire rid of stretch marks?

Well don't nouns so much. What I herd be that pads are better after tam ponds. And also when you start on the day you do you count 28 days consequently that would we the next the subsequent period you will own. You will have craps. You will grain it in the lower of your backbone and the lower of your back. It will lift acouple of days to end. Good Luck. Also presently that you have it's constituent of live now. I've be having for almost two years. I'm 14!

Help.. im really worried..?

Welcome to young boys sub-consciously sniffing that scent on you looking for bootay.

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