Is it majority that i want my extent?

im 13 and i dont have it yet. greatly of my friends do. when they talk about it i kinda consistency left out. is it normal i purely wanna know what its like and stuff. is that normal. my little sister have it too which adds on to that

Answers:    you should watch that episode of south park where on earth all the boys think they hold periods because they're maturing, and kyle has to pretend he get it so he can belong, so stan feels left out and starts taking masculine hormones to speed up the process. i think it's a good episode.

anyway, everybody's different, and your lifestyle have a lot to do with it, you enjoy to have a certain amount of body solid before your body is able to do it, that's why some gymnasts and dancers are 'late bloomers'..
I get the drift exactly how you feel. I felt like when I was younger. I was 9 and several of my friends have already gotten their periods (they were 10 and 11) so I feel left out too. I wanted to know what it be like to wear pads/tampons, have PMS, and get the impression cramps. I thought I would be one of the world's only girls to never get her length. The very next year when I be 10, I got it. And I've hated it ever since. Trust me, you want it presently, but eventually you will get it and you'll regret ever feeling this method. It's not the end of the world by any means, but it's zilch great either. It's just profoundly of blood. It's totally normal. You want to feel similar to you belong. Which is a life long struggle for some of us. But when you get it you won't want it!

I know fancy like a kid can be frustrating, but just step with the flow until yours comes. (ha ha pardon the pun) When your friends speak about it say something resembling I am so glad I don't have to carry any embarrasing things around near me in my purse! Or if they are really your friends they will understand and you can ask them question! :).
It's perfectly normal. There will come a morning when you wish you never had to own another one, but right now it's a sign of growing up. It's hard sentiment like you don't fit in. It'll develop in it's own time though and there's nothing you can really do to hurry it along. Make sure you are ingestion right and staying healthy ( being noticeably, anorexic type thin can stop your periods). And try to relax (stress can hold things up too). Good luck ! I know exactly how you feel, i am singular 13 too, and before i got it, i looked-for it really bad. how old is your little sister by the road? trust me, coming from someone who wanted their period too, i desire i could take back wanting it. its the worst!! i know you probably still want it, but soak up your period free life while you hold it. ask your sister even, she'll tell you how bad it is, esp. if you enjoy cramps, owww it hurts just thinking about it, and im not even on my interval.
Its normal. You just want to grain like a woman and you wnat to fit in. No biggie. We adjectives go through that stage at some point or another where we want to vacate the "child" phase and move on and feel similar to a woman. But believe me, you will NOT like having your spell once you acctually get it. It's anoying how you have to turn into the washroom multiple times in one day to adapt your thing. LOL Um...I think that's ordinary. But it's surprising.
I would advise you to enjoy interval free-ness while it lasts because I promise you'll hate it once your have it for a while.
It gives you cramps and acne and stains your clothes and blah blah blah.
So just feel that you're luckier than your friends not to have it yet! .
it's clearly normal. you just want to have a feeling a part of the group, and you want to be able to be a element of the conversation. just go beside the flow, it'll come when it has to, until then... you might wanna lately be happy you don't have it nonetheless. lol well hang contained by there. ;) Yes it's normal, everybody requests to fit in. Of course you feel close to a little kid when everybody else has it..but trust me, I'd be bragging to them if I be you. It's a pain. You get cramps, headache, you's just uncomfortable. You hold to worry about wearing white pant, or whether you're going to leak through. Just enjoy not have it while you can lol. .
Definetly normal, like everyone is saw. Im 13 and I got my first period within January not expecting it but, before January, for a year I couldnt wait to attain my period cuz ALL my friends had theirs. your duplicate person about the boob grill, aren't you?
just wait, your lucky, it is great to stay a girl, near are girls that get their period when their sixteen, don't win all "left out" over it cuz your time ain't nothing to brag about..
haha, yeah it's everyday.
i wanted mine, my friends would talk going on for it and i'm like umm?
and their not women cause of it.
the individual difference is they bleed every month, and probably hate it.
so just relish not having to deal next to it..
It's normal to want it because you want to fit in and surface more grown up but cherish the time you have without it, trust me. :P Lie and say aloud your on youre period to friends and then whenyourr reallyhaveit it wont event right hope i helped .
I was matching way. All my friends had it so I needed it. Believe me once you get it you will not want it.

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