I'm so stressed out please comfort?

I took a pg test on the 14th, neg..and afterwards I got my length on the 15th, it lasted two days. I perceive nausea, and light head very habitually and very exceptionally tired.....I don't think I'm pregnant impose I got my time of year and I got a glum the day back....but I feel resembling I am...is it just me doing this to myself??

Can olive grease cure mens pain and how?

I repugnance when people say-so this, but I think it's adjectives in your manager.

Why am I peeing so much?

Go to the doctors! Something could be all messed up beside your hormones or your ovaries.

After the menstrual period, how long is it undamaging to have unprotected sex?

Good grief. You aren't pregnant. Stop making yourself below par over nothing.

Im 15 and i will be 16 sooni own pubic hair and breasts but i still dont enjoy a period..what should i do?

Best to check next to your gynecologist...

I want to have my time of year as soon as possible what do i do?

i think your kinda depressed.


i gain this all the time, i wouldnt verbs its nothing. Pg test are alomst 100% accurate the day b4 ur length. If u are still rele worryed go to your doctor.

I'm pressured to gain a breast reduction?!?

There could be closely going on here.

1. Sometimes pregnancy tests produce a false refusal or false positive. Maybe you should take another experiment or go to the clinic in your town to retake the pregnancy audition.

2. You may just be sick. If you own the flu or even a cold you could feel nausea and lighted head and definately tired. Don't take pills for it though before you find out if you are or aren't pregnant.

3. Since you come across to not want to be pregnant, you may be under a great deal of stress about this which can throw stale your period. Just hushed yourself down and don't worry so much going on for this until you have a for sure answer.

Just try another try-out or two. Hope things work themselves out.

Malpractice Suit?

If the doctors can't find anything wrong, then only lie contained by bed and rest for a while! Drink tea not coffe and don't eat any sweets!!

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