Masturbate... plz helppp!! read!

okay so im 18 and i used to rub my clitiris
it gave me alot of pleasure but now it a short time ago doesnt work
does anyone have any other ways to masturbate
with "pleasure"????

Answers:    put ur pinky finger surrounded by ur vagina.Put it in and out.It will feel well-mannered. But before that put some oil or cream on ur vagina. Think of the guy you love and ruminate that he is doing this with you. It will give you pleasure for sure.
Hope this help.
you may have desensitized yourself if you're doing it alot... try ordering a small vibrator or buy one if you own adult stores where you live, it will relieve... BUT, you'll become desensitized to that too and will need to keep increasing the intensity of the vibrators you buy lol, it's a vicious cycle. Try not doing it so much and see if that help also. I know it feels good but some women only become desensitized easily ...and yes it sucks!! it depends maybe your clit hood changed over time or perchance u just desensitized yourself a bit buy a little bottle of sensitizing cream or gel at any sex store feel tingly and cool or warm depending on one you buy and preference and it hightens the sensitivity worthy stuff there are cheap and expensive ones kuma sutra has the best i find also try using a spike maybe your clit just desires a lighter touch try watching porn and wait till ur aroused good luck hold fun !.
go to this site...a lot of feminine experiences with masturbation and techniques but why don't you try the shower herald...just place it on your clit or your clitoral hood...and let thaw water just flow
Get a big Harley Davison Motorcycle. Bend over and use one of the manipulate bars for a dill doe. Now rev the bike up to 100,000 RPM's and you should have no problem getting yourself past its sell-by date! That bike will shake and vibrate pretty well for you! Okay, okay if you take the shower head and place it so it benevolently runs on it, it feels good. Or place your cl*t underneath the bathtub faucet, and let wet run against it..
Bathtub faucet with warm marine! a dildo works pretty well for some people.
One entity you can do to find out is check out this webpage:

Read the page all the way through, and try some of the things suggested (including the "extras" related at the bottom). Take your time (it might take a whole afternoon the first time), and only just enjoy learning what feel best for you... it's fun. Sooner or later, you'll have an orgasm, and they gain better each time if you're one of those lucky girls who can have them again and again.

Then you'll know what have one is like, for sure.

Masturbation is having sex beside the only person you'll ever bump into who knows *exactly* what you feel and what you approaching, even if that changes every second.

It can take anywhere from a few second to a couple of hours to reach orgasm... both of these are unusual but normal, and anything surrounded by between is just fine.

Just before orgasm, you might enjoy a feeling a bit like you hold to pee, but it's not quite the same, and when your orgasm first happen, there'll be a very strong (sometimes intense and *powerful*), warm and sometimes tingly outlook that spreads from your clitoris to your vagina and then through your whole lower body. Then remarkably quickly your clitoris, your vagina, your crotch muscles and your butt-hole will squeeze and pulse a few times while that feeling spreads adjectives over you.

During all this, your toes will probably curl, you might feel similar to you need to hold your breath or like you hold to breathe really fast, your body will want to tense up and might bump or shake or shiver, and you might make some noises (grunts, gasp, groans or cries) that you can't really control. You might "squirt" or "ejaculate" a lot of fluid from your urethra (don't worry, it's not pee). The full time, it's just about the best reaction there is.

(Everything you "might" feel or do above isn't other going to happen... some orgasms are much less overwhelming than freshly *very* pleasureable.)

As that feeling becomes more kind and starts to go away (after maybe 5 to 20 seconds), your total body will begin to relax, and you might feel sort of close to having a nap... or approaching just lying there and letting your mind drift.

Have fun and don't verbs. Masturbating is normal and healthy, and research what pleases you sexually is good for you... especially because you'll know what to tell your man give or take a few how to please you when you have sex.

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