No Period .. Cramps ...?

I am 23 and I am trying to concieve baby #3 next to my husband. We have 2 daughters already and we are hoping for full-bodied little boy pref or a healthy infant girl or boy. I have a regular cycle, 28 days exactly on the dot.. no question asked. My husband and I have be on fertility blend vitamins. We also used Pre-seed last month earlier,during and after ovulation. My period be due yesturday or today. I have have really bad cramps for two days still no extent and i always bring back a pimple when i come on my period, which i get the other day. Also, I have pains during ovulation and i had implantation cramps 7-8 days after ovualtion. Do you judge I might be pregnant ? or is my mind playing tricks on me. This is our 3rd month trying. The first 2 months, i charted my temps. took ovualtion tests constantly, after intercourse i put legs up for 30 mins. This long-gone month, we just took our vitamins used pre-seed and i lone took one ovulation test, only to make sure i did actual ovualte. Thanks

I really stipulation your help!?

I don't know much more or less pregnancy but you might wanna go find checked by a doctor... They'll be able to bring up to date you for sure or not (or if something is possibly wrong...)

But I remember being told within Health class that sometimes when woman are pregnant, they get the symptoms adjectives with their extent... but no period.

So. devout luck! (and hopefully Congratulations!)

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