Am I drying up, My time lasts one and only 3 days?
Well, my ex-wife lasted in the order of 5 usually, so that works for me. Will you marry me?
you are babyish for that. that's just when mine started getting extremely large and painful and resulted within a hysterectomy (which I still regret, by the way). is it possible you are pregnant? see your dr to make sure you are ok.
righteous luck.
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I wouldn't voice that it is over quite but but its coming to an end. sorry!Brown time of year for longer time?
it's headed that way=i concluded at 47 =you are going to enjoy the freedom once you hold finished menopauseIUD - What can you tell me in the order of it?
You may be near menopause, but I'm not positive.How long do they usually closing?
How long has it be lasting for three days?
I would right to be heard that you should go see a doctor! Also, own you been exercising abundantly lately? That could do it! Fourty one is pretty young!! Did you start your spell at an early age?
Thats pretty lite. If mine lasts 3 days than its intensely VERY heavy. But, even if its the M, the celebration dosent have to be over. There are so lots things out there thatll hold you feeling lke the woman you are.
That is soooo gross!! I am proud for you though, I hope the cramps hold lessened also:)
I doubt it, I am 38 and have really insubstantial periods to that final 2-3 days, I went to my gyenecologist and she told me as long as I own a period, that I am ok, it is when you stop have one that goes on for more than 3 months later you need to see you doctor.
Maybe you are close to anyone menopausal, but it could be many different cause. Discuss your concerns with your doctor, or gynecologist.
If you enjoy stretch marks and you move about tanning.?
Even if you are, just because you can't enjoy kids anymore doesn't mean the gathering is over. It just technique the party may soon become profusely less stressful because you don't enjoy to worry almost getting pregnant. Many women enter a period of much better sex after menopause, so don't look at it as a doomed to failure thing.Sounds like you are starting perimenapause. Some women start untimely. I was 38, when I started. Make an appointment near your doctor. It Lasts ten years, but there is medication that can assist you through it. Good Luck!
I don't think that the do is over but everyone there might be drunk and tired.
If you hold been on birth control pills sometimes the hormone even will mess with your cycle. I would be in motion to the gyn and have your level checked.
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hey girl 41 too still having solid periods be at ease your almost done. party newly started- Is anger a LEARNED BEHAVIOR AND CAN IT BE CHANGED??
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