It hurts when my boyfriend and i hold sex... Why?

I am 17 years old. My boyfriend is 18. We own been together for 2 years and own been have sex for little under one. He is larger than the other 2 ppl i enjoy been near, so it hurt a little bit the first few times we hold sex. But somtimes theres a couple weeks to a month where it hurts really discouraging when we have sex. We use lube and condoms everytime, so i know its not wreak im not er.. aroused. But im not sure what is wrong? can anyone help? It's not approaching it hurts continually why we are having sex lately the first few moments but sometimes the pain is unspeakable and we just hold to quit altogether. It's begining to be annoying. I'm also kind of terrified, does anyone know whats going on?

I was on my time three weeks ago & now i'm bleedin, could that be a miscarriage ?

You might hold a bad yeast infection if you're experiencing a burning sensation. Nothing to verbs about too much. You should move about to your doctor to get it checked out so you can bring medication for it and also to check if it's something else.

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try going to a Dr and asking him/her whats wrong...

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) In Teens?

You might own a yeast infection.

I have a concern in the region of my c-section?

go to a doctor for goodness sake

and if it hurts consequently dont do it u sicko

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Could be a urinary tract infection. Sometimes there is a psychological component to this. You should see a gynecologist.

Why cant i munch through?

you could have a cyst
dance get it looked at
i have a couple and sex was fundamentally painful
when it first started the pain wasn't that bad and it would stir away but a year later it get worse

Is it possible for the uterus to twitch?

it could be any number of things. you may need to see a doctor. it could only be that your boyfriend is too big for you. but i would definitely grasp that checked out.

Ladieslighter period?

You should see a gynocologist. He/she would better be capable of answer your questions.

Ladies i want help!!?

if it hurts contained by one spot it may be an exposed nurve this happened to my friend they have to do a minor surgery to remove a small part of the pipe of her vagina. she says that it still looks equal but doesnt get that affliction any more just tell to your gyno she/he will know just by doing an exam

Hey ! serve me please my period is postponed?

if your boyfriend have a big on ,you no simply one in the word,be cautious for cervix damage.when you enjoy sex grasp part of the penis near you hand and contribute support take some inch rotten.

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there are alot of things it could be, you should get it checked out

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