Foods to guzzle after appendectomy operation?

help me doctors out there my wife merely finised her appendectomy operation last thursday june 7 2007.and this day of june 9 2007 we're concern is i dont sure what food to be first taken.coz my doctor is not within he just noted the assign nurse to update me that it is ok to wife operation is merely done in goverment hospital not within can any body doctor out there pls guide me what sympathetic of food first to be taken..i really do appericiated all your help...thanks

Can you use a tampon next to the NuvaRing if you're still on your period when it's time to replace it?

My dad the pharmacist reccomends ageless essentials from if you are not sure. It is a dinnertime in a bottle and they use nano technology. The food go into the system in 5 to 7 minutes and does not have to be digested surrounded by the stomach.
Let me know if you have any question, Joe R

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