I lost my virginity like second month.. and my bf didnt ware a condom..but he pulled out?

my period that month be heavier than normal and it is this month too... is that mundane? or what?

Ok ladiesanyone else get weepy during PMS?

The verbs out method isn't a surefire way to protect against unwanted pregnancies, you. Be aware that sperm can be in pre-ejaculatory fluid as all right, so your chances of getting pregnant while utilizing the verbs out method are fairly elevated. It's really risky and it puts you in injure's way as far as getting an std.

Though this is beside the point, why didn't he wear a condom? It is as much his responsibility to wear one as yours, so save some in your purse/nightstand/kitchen drawer or where you're planning on having sex subsequent. Don't keep them surrounded by the car--extreme heat and cold can fall their effectiveness.

Also, immediately that you're sexually active, you might want to consider going on some sort of hormonal birth control close to the pill, the nuva ring or the depp shot. Do a little research, sermon to your doc, visit your local womens' clinic and nick responsibility for your between-the-sheets romping!

Have fun! : )

I cant go to the bathroom, if i do its approaching 2x a month, and stoole softeners dont work. Help?

its normal

Burping adjectives the time ?

normal...but next time please use precautions. There are sperm contained by a mans precum.

Need assistance on a ** problem..?

When you lose your virginity when a man inserts a penis inside of you that is! It is possible for a man to rupture some membranes and such! I lost my virginity when i be 15(not proud of it) But i got my term when i was 9 it be always duplicate 28 days i bled for 4 days medium flow and afterwards done! Once i had sex it be all different from later on! It was more 28 days 5-6 days and prevailing conditions to heavy flow! My doctor said it be cause modern nerves were stimulated so i would possibly call ask a nurse and my warning as nice as possible! Pregnancy is a big issue in teens! No glove no love! If you are matured enough to enjoy sex you should be mature plenty to buy and use condoms! The pull out method DOES NOT WORK!

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Why don't you find educated previously you go have sex? Pulling out is NOT an effective method. You may or may not be pregnant.. But please swot up the basics up to that time you have sex and salvage us ALL a lot of trouble.

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if you have a stocky period, later you arent pregnant or anything, so you should be fine.

if it has be spotting on and off, you might hold gotten pregnant but miscarriaged it.

maybe your body is purely adjusting and getting used to sex... especially if you hold done it more than just once. a few of my friends' period got heavier when they have sex very frequently.

apposite luck!

ps you should start wearing condoms... pulling out only works two out of three times.

Need some assistance please?

take precautions next time if you dont fancy your probability of being a mum of late yet! But i guess the heavier period are normanl

Spoting on Nuvaring with antibiotics?

It's not commonplace or abnormal. It most expected doesn't have anything at adjectives to do with losing your virginity - it's basically random hormonal change.
By the way - pulling out is NOT a angelic method of birth control. You need to use condoms or bring back on the pill or patch or something. Otherwise, you aren't going to have a term at all because you'll be pregnant.
And even if you're on the pill, you could still capture STDs.

I haven't got my time of year yet and I don't know what is my problem?When it comes does it pains?

the pullout methond have a failure rate of 30%. I hold 2 cousins that are pullout babies. The flow of your period have nothing to do next to sex.

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Normal, subsequent time use protection

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Hi Sweetie,
Long as u had a interval seems r ok, but my problem is u gals that deliberate if he pulls out in time adjectives is cool, it's not! As men tend to have a pre-ejaculation until that time the finally, & that can get u pregnant in recent times as well! Plse other use a condom for r own safety. Whoever he slept beside prior to u without wearing a condom, u own to STD wise. What comes around, go around. Plse don't do that anymore, trust me better safe than sorry. It's r body, purely say no rubber, no agency we r talking in the order of r life here, not his!
Plse Take More Care?
LOL, Diana D

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