Does drinking plenty of dampen prevent ageing?

I drink lots of water it doesnt appear to do anything i want experts to answer who actually know what theyre discussion about.

What are the symptons to starting your term?

As soon as we're born we start to age. There is nothing that can be done in the order of it. We are all aging and we are adjectives going to die one day. Use sunscreen, don't use drugs, don't drink too much, don't be promiscuous, win enough sleep every dark, eat a on the edge diet, exercise, maintain dutiful relationships with your home, friends and God, and make sure you procure regular medical checkups. These are the only scientifically proven ways to live a longer, well again life, and adjectives scientists, doctors and researchers agree on these things. Everything else is up to genetics and arbitrary.

Would you think im a sl*t?

Short answer is no, it will not prevent aging. However, drinking hose is a healthy mannerism, which in turn may lend a hand you stay healthier.

Aging is a complex process not fully inherent. Skin (wrinkles and brown spots) is caused almost exclusively by sun exposure. Smoking make skin aging worse. But it cannot be completely prevented as skin also loose elasticity as you age.

Wear and tear cause aging in you joints. Genes and diet play a role within age dependent diseases like soaring blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes etc. Hormonal changes resembling menopause are also responsible for aging.

Oxidative stress may play a significant role in cellular aging. However there is no evidence that taking "antioxidant supplements" can prevent such problems.

Exercise and calcium own roles in preventing osteoporosis (weak bones).

The best direction. Eat healthy, don't smoke, avoid excess sun exposure, exercise moderately and don't verbs about.

Trust me, getting elder is a GOOD THING. So says I, a middle aged guy.

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