Sort of gross!!?

Okay so my friend burnt the side of my cheek beside her crimper on monday night! The subsequent day when i go to go shower i notice it and when i went to touch it nearby was similar to a thin vein of brownish green gooey stuff. Well it stuck to my finger and pulled of as soon as i touched it and the burn started bleeding! It scabs up but falls off adjectives the time on its own and starts bleeding again. The green goo only happen once more resembling twenty minutes after the first time but i wanted to know if this is everyday?

Was this my period or ?

It doesn't nouns normal to me. Go see your doctor.

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Is it true that you gain some weight or 'bloat up' a short time during your periods?

Go to a doctor RIGHT AWAY! If something approaching this is happening it could be some sort of infection!

Am I allergic to condoms?

um i don't really twig what you said

but i don't think that goo is common at all you should enjoy your doctor have a look at it

If a girl have a leukemia, is she still able to experience menstruation period?

if the area is not red and itchy, it could be just your motionless cells and other wreckage in health-giving process. Apply some antibiotic to prevent it from getting infected. Let it stay dry as much as you can since water/moisture is a good environment for bacteria.

Please give support to need judgment?

Leave burns alone for god's sake! Apply a lot of 91% rubbing alcohol near cotton balls (it'll sting resembling hell, just narrate her to deal next to it). Do NOT PULL OFF SCABS OR DELIBERATELY REMOVE THE UPPER SKIN! Just don't touch it, and if she can stand its appearance, put a light, breathable tape non-stick gauze bandage on it.

If you touch it, it is VERY LIKELY TO LEAVE A PERMANENT BRANDING-IRON LIKE SCAR, and I'm sure your friend does not want that. So, for her sake, try your best to draw from her to put a bandage on it.

I'm a mechanic, and I burn myself adjectives the time. But, I always run my burns lower than cold water for no smaller quantity than 5 minutes immediately after they take place, and this stops them blistering up. Joe

Can u have sex thru the hole that u pee surrounded by or no?

It's normal! :-)

I newly tried to stick my finger down my throat..for a bad motivation. any advice?

NO this is not typical! Go to the doctor or nurse practitioner. They will use a special wash on it, MAYBE bestow you some anitibiotics, and tell you which caring of scar analysis lotion to buy, and how soon to start using it. It may be gooey and look like a big cold sore for a week or so, but don't pick at it! As a substitute for picking, use your defect therapy stuff instead. Wash your pillow travel case, and try to keep everything it touches sterile. You should own gone to the doctor yesterday. It probably is infected. Sorry. Be as well as you can. Be as glad as you can.

How long until my period?

sounds similar to she should see her doc. And yes that is pretty gross.

Can i fashion my period lighter and shorter?

no, the discharge from the burn is easily yellow and if dirt or anything else get in the burn site afterwards the discharge would be should check with your doctor to be sure so you won't return with sick if an infection occurs

Reduce glow after waxing?

dont outer layer it off! you will seize a big ugly blemish..and i would kill your friend if i be you..

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