Please assist... need judgment...?

I had be on birth control for over 2 years, but I stopped for awhile because I had no call for to be on it. I got my time of year RIGHT after stopping (like you normally would), but still hadn't gotten it 3 months following (which I've read is normal after stopping the pill...)

However, I started taking them again even though I haven't gotten my time. I hadn't gotten my period and needed to return with back on the pill, so that's why I did that. I digit I haven't ovulated, since I hadn't gotten my period.

I enjoy been wager on on it for over 2 weeks now. Do you deduce that I'm protected? I have the pill where on earth I only carry it every 3 months, so please don't say I own to wait to bring back my period...

I be thinking about stopping them for a few days, and if I attain my period after they must be working. Then take them again and hang about at least 7 days until that time not needing another form of birth control.

What do you adjectives think? Thanks! :)

I carry really painful sides if i poke them? why>>?

After two weeks you should be protected. I took BC pills and other was told after two full weeks I be protected.

I've had my length for over two years and its still irregular?

I take my pill matching way you do. I'm not sure what it could be but I'm thinking I don`t know it has something to do next to your body's reaction to taking the pill that route. You basically trick your body out of have a period for so long and afterwards when you get rotten of it, your system gets adjectives messed up. That's just an concept but maybe ring your doctor and ask just to label sure.

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