Period give a hand? details inside Please abet!!
Answers: you length will probably be irregular for some time before they settle down. three days is usually the average a woman bleeds and then it taper off.
don't worry in the order of anything. all young girls walk through the same things.
Since you just started, it's conventional for your periods to be really light and irregular (coming at different times of the month, skipping months, etc.) It's nought to worry about. It can bear a while for your body to get used to having period, so they may be light and short for a while. Sounds pretty normal to me.
If it be your first period ever, it will come at different times and last for more or smaller amount days each time. A normal time is usually something in between 3-10 days. After a couple years, you will know your period by routine =).
Well you are supposed to bleed adjectives the way through your period. But I hold a friend that started hers in February and it was single like 2 days. But then she started it the following January and it be like really really heavy for 9 days. So it in recent times depends. No, the fist few times it will be irregular. It will take a while for it to regulate, and even still sometimes it may be a day or two impulsive or a day or two late. It is clearly normal. I hope I have help you. :).
you should get your period every 28 days.. everyone woman is diffrent... and your time of year may last anywhere from 4-7 days. sounds alright to me.. its your 1st period so it might be lighter In my experience, the first 2 or 3 days the bleeding is heavier, and the subsequent few days it tapers off.
Hope that help!.
it is normal every period is different you may be really buoyant or really heavy one money normal. it last between 2 and 8 days, so yours is more 2 days. :)