Can i make my length lighter and shorter?

Iam on my cycle now and I hold some thing enormously important to attend, so I looked-for to know if their was a opening that i can make my cycle Lighter and/or shorter,presently????thanks!!!


What could this be?

i notably doubt it. when i first read ur question i be going to suggest the birth control pill loestrin, because it makes it shorter. but if it already started, theres no bearing to stop it in its tracks.

it may nouns gross to you, but i just thought i'd supply that having sex (with a condom of course) can speed up the bleeding and obtain rid of it faster. but many ppl may not want to settlement with that.

I lost one of my green birth control pills.?

get pregnant.


Certain types of Birth Control can support with this. Ask your OBGYN.

How antediluvian do you have to be to use Loestrin 24 Fe?

There is zilch you can do about in a minute. However, once you stop this cycle call your doctor and see just about birth control.

Best female deorderant and antiperspirant?

There's a birth control pill that's be advertised on TV that does merely that. Darn -- I can't think of the designation of it, but ask your doctor or gyno. They would know. There's also one that allows you to have a time of year only four times a year. Since I'm long former that stage in my existence, I haven't paid much attention to the brand name, but I'm sure your doctor can advise you.

How long after implantation bleeding should I gain a positive HPT?

sorry theres not. see your doctor about birth control but that wont assist you this month

NO Sex Drive AT ALL On NuvaRing.?

I have read an article that nearby are certain pills which use up ur monthly cycles to 4 or 5 times a year!! yes. its true u'll have period only 4 or 5 times a week.
You should consult ur gyn if u want such convenience.

Im 26 and i cant receive pregant? besides sex what are some goods meds i can whip to help me?

You can't lacking using birth control pills which I cannot recommend as they have be linked to breast cancer among other things.

Irregular cycle while on the pill?

If I could I would but I don't infer ther is any way

Getting bigger boobs?

idk but im a guy so i wouldnt know but i would close to to experience a period if i could

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